Stop Living In The Past

It's okay to visit but not live there

I’m a huge proponent of using your past to help propel you towards your future. You have a long list of victories you’ve accomplished in your past.

From the first client you landed for your organization to the process improvement you suggested which saved the business millions of dollars to helping out on the shop floor so production could keep going. There are so many great victories in your past. And it is okay to revisit your victories.

Old van from the past with text of stop living in the past

Image by Dillon Klassen

Yet you can’t live there. You can’t live in the past. Not in your victories and ESPECIALLY not in your defeats.

I’ve recently experienced a bout of living in the past. It’s the recent past but the past none the less…

Pam and I recently purchased a used Kia Soul. We really liked the look and feel of the vehicle. And the price seemed great at the time.

How To Become Awesome

I’ve seen a lot of blog posts on how to become awesome. Being awesome is something most people want yet never achieve.

Awesomeness seems to evade people like people avoided the plague. Awesomeness doesn’t just happen.

You have what it takes to be awesome

Why is this the case? Why does awesomeness elude so many people? And why does awesomeness tend to come to the freaks and the geeks in the end?

Let’s Talk About Awesomeness

You’ve probably got your thoughts on awesomeness. A particular person may come to mind. Someone like:

Steve Jobs of Apple Computers

Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines

Jim Bob, your neighbor who took the time to mow your grass one day

Tina Grey, the checkout clerk who made the checkout process an experience to remember