How To Stop Over-Committing

Time is so valuable. Once we spend our time, it’s something we can never get back.

And yet so many of us are careless with how we spend our time. We’re treating time like it’s penny candy at Halloween.

We don’t keep track of it and we over-commit ourselves to activities that drain our energy.

Why do we do this? What can we do to stop over-committing.

Our commitment locks us in

Image via Michael Coghlan

With the new year getting into full swing, I believe it’s the perfect time to talk about our propensity to over-commit ourselves to causes.

If we want this year to be our best year ever, we’ve got to consider our time valuable and begin taking back our time.

Why We Over-Commit

There are many valid reasons why we over-commit. All of them good reasons and yet all of them hinder our path to success.

7 Things I Wish I Knew Growing Up

Hindsight is 20/20. When we look back on the past, we’re able to see with a clarity we don’t have going into the future.

While I don’t have the ability to go back into my past and prevent myself from repeating the same mistakes, I can share what I wish I would have known growing up.

My hope is you can learn from my mistakes. You can storm the future with confidence. You can grow much quicker than I did.

Little me!There’s things I wish I knew growing up. Things I wish I didn’t have to go through. But, other than one thing, I’m not sure there’s much I would change.

Everything has happened for a reason. I’ve grown, I’ve stretched, I’ve become a better person and leader from these trials.

The One Thing You Can’t Lose When You Fail

Failure is one thing we all face. It comes at us in our careers, our family, and our faith.

It pulls at us and tears us down. Telling us that we’re worthless now. That we won’t do anything of value.

Failure brings about lies and feelings of inadequacy.

But there’s one thing you can’t lose when you fail…

Caveman Drivers License

Image by Don Hankins

What Failure Tells Us

When we fail, we want to run and hide. To stick our heads in the sand like an ostrich. In all honesty, that makes us look silly.

Why do we want to do this?

Because failure lies to us. It says that we’ve screwed up beyond hope. We’re told that there’s no redeeming value in our lives.

The biggest lie failure tells us is that we’ve lost our identity.

You are a Seed

Seeds are amazing when you think about it.

The seed contains so much potential. Some seeds grow into a beautiful oak tree. Others into gorgeous flowers.

Seeding Floating In The Air

Image by Lousie Decker

Our lives are much like seeds.

We’re born as a small package with great potential. Over time we grow. First becoming children, then teenagers, and finally adults.

During the stages of growth we face trials and tribulations. These trials and tribulations help mold us into who we were meant to be. Without them, we wouldn’t become as strong or resilient.

Sometimes we’ll come to a crossroad in our lives. We will have to decide whether or not our lives are where they should be.

We may have to decide it’s time to put our old lives to rest. It may be time for the old self to die and a new self to emerge.

Are You About To Perish?

This sounds like a silly question, but it’s one you really need to think over.

Many of us are on a path that will end in destruction. We’re wandering without a clue on where we are going.

Image by Paul Stevenson

Proverbs 29:18 states “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

The Bible makes it clear that we need a vision. Without it we will perish.

If you’re someone who doesn’t have a vision, it’s time to get one.

Are you ready to get serious about creating a vision statement for your life? Is that a yes I hear?

Good, I knew you were ready! Now let’s do this.

  • Set aside a day:
    You’re going to need time to do this. Try to find a full day to devote to this task. If you’re unable to do a full day, set aside 4 or more hours.

    By creating a block of time to devote to creating a vision, you’re placing importance on it. This will also minimize distractions.