Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Back To The Future

A Reel Leadership Article (Flashback Edition)

One of my favorite podcasters Pat Flynn’s, of Smart Passive Income and Ask Pat, favorite movie is Back To The Future. So, I figured why not use Back To The Future as the first “flashback” Reel Leadership article.

The year was 1985 when Steven Spielberg produced the now-classic movie Back To The Future. Starring Michael J. Fox as the 17-year old Marty McFly, the enigmatic Christopher Lloyd as Doctor  (Doc) Emmett Brown, and Crispin Glover as George McFly in a far-out story about time travel and the implications time travel can have on the universe.

Doc Brown and Marty McFly in a DeLorean - Leadership lessons and quotes from Back To The Future

Rewatching Back To The Future, I remembered the joy and fun of my childhood watching the DeLorean take Marty McFly back in time all because of the darn Lybians.

Who’s Your Number 2, 3, 4?

Even as a new leader, you can’t ignore the fact that your position as a leader is temporary.

One day you’ll leave. You’ll transition out of your leadership position. And someone will take over for you.

Or maybe you’ll be asked to leave. Not given the choice to exit your leadership position gracefully.

Know who your crew is

While we don’t really look forward to either kind of exit, we still know that we will leave one day. Either by choice or by force.

In the meantime, we’ve got to be raising up others to become a leader in our place.

Know Who’s Under You

Now, I don’t mean this in a derogatory way. The fact is that we have team members we’re leading over and they’re technically under us.

That’s the way organizations work.

There’s a leader, there’s someone under him, and so on. Work with the organizational structure.

You Reach Your Destiny By Building Your Dynasty

We here a lot of talk about fulfilling our destiny. Living out your purpose, you could say. That’s well and good.

But in the end it won’t mean squat if you haven’t built up a dynasty.

Gundam destiny figure

Image by Yuichiro Haga

What Is Your Destiny?

It seems everyone is chasing after their destiny these days. They want to discover what they were made for. They want to live a life with purpose.

I say this is great. We need to live a life full of passion, ambition, and desire. It’s what drives us to success.

I also believe we all have a destiny to fulfill. We were put here for a reason.

Discovering this is crucial to feeling contentment and peace with our lives. In the end, it’s our purpose for living.

What It Your Dynasty?

I’m not sure I’ve heard much talk about building your dynasty. This seems to be brushed over in many circles.

The Responsibilities Of Leadership

We’ve all heard that leadership is influence. This quote from John Maxwell is great. There’s truth behind what’s being said. When we influence others, we are leading.

However, there’s also responsibility that comes along with leadership.

I believe we far too often overlook the responsibilities of leaders. Sure, we know what leaders are supposed to do.

Leaders are supposed to:

Guide your team

Influence others to action

Cast a vision

Share the message

Create teams

And more…

It’s great to know what we’re supposed to do as leaders. These actions give us a road map for leadership.

And yet leadership is so much deeper than tasks.

Leadership means taking on responsibility.

Responsibilities Of Leadership

As leaders we’ve got responsibilities to those we lead. We’re going to be held accountable for the actions we take and where we lead our followers.

4 Reasons To Encourage Up And Coming Leaders

As a leader, one of our goals should be to raise up leaders who are just starting out. They are, after all, the next generation of leaders whether we like it or not.

Since these leaders will take over where we left off, it’s our duty to encourage them, guide them, and give them the tools to succeed. Are you ready to do that?

If you are, I’m here to show you why we must be willing to encourage the next generation of leaders.

The most obvious reason to encourage these young leaders?: Young leaders are going to take over your job. Why not set a great example and raise them up in ways you know will work. Encourage them and motivate them to do the same great job you do.