What To Do With Change

Leading Through Change

Change… The one thing that never changes. You can always expect there to be change in your life and leadership.

Change is a constant. You’re not going to escape from it though many people try to avoid change.

Person standing tall looking into the sun

Photo by Bryan Minear

This brings up a valid question about change. The question?

What to do with change?

Every leader needs to ask themselves this question. You need to have an idea of what change is coming and what you can do with the change.

There are many leaders who aren’t willing to answer this question. For them, their leadership days are numbered. For you, faithful reader, the answer is different.

You know you can’t ignore the question. You have to be willing to answer this defining leadership question.

What To Do With Change

There are two things you can do with change. One will help you to continue growing. The other will stunt your growth as a leader.

How Change Impacts Your Leadership

Leading Through Change

We know change is a constant in our lives and leadership. There’s nothing you can do to stop change from coming your way.


But do you know what change will do to your leadership? How will it impact your leadership?

Street sign with a sunset in the background

Photo by Jaview Allegue Barros

This is the thought every leader needs to keep in the back of their mind as they’re leading through change. You need to think about the implications of change.

They are there. They are real. And they will throw you for a loop if you’re not anticipating change.

How Change Impacts Your Leadership

There are three things change can do to your leadership. Change can positively impact your leadership. Change can negatively impact your leadership. Or change can not impact your leadership at all.

Change Is A Constant

Leading Through Change

Other than death and taxes, there’s one other thing that you can be sure of in your life. Change. Change is that other constant.

There will never be a part of your life that doesn’t involve change. From your family to your friends to your leadership position.

Colorful leaves sitting on water

Photo by Melissa Mjoen

Everything changes.

Even you!

You cannot escape change. It pursues you like a lion pursues its prey. And change will find you like the lion finds the wounded or weak antelope.

This doesn’t mean you’re weak. What this means is that you’re human. You’re normal. You’re going to face change.

Stop Fighting Change

You may be tempted to try to outrun change like the pursued antelope. I want to give you a word today. That is to stop.

Stop trying to outrun or avoid change. Stop fighting change.