The Power Of Living And Leading With Intention

The Answers From Leadership Podcast Episode 45

I’m thrilled to introduce today’s guest on the Answers From Leadership podcast to you. I’ve known Chris Jordan for awhile on Facebook and other social media platforms. There’s something about Chris that is so authentic and genuine. And I wanted you to get to know him.

So, without further ado, let’s get to the podcast episode!

Intentional living will change your life

Listen To The Answers From Leadership Podcast

Show Notes

Chris, let our listeners know about you today.

A lot of it is done out of a passion for people. I want to see people reach their potential and beyond that.

One reason we started our business was because people weren’t living their dreams. We help people to live their dreams.

We help people recognize the gift they’ve been given. Then how to use it in the world.

Fill The Void

Vacuums, the absence of matter not the household appliance, are an amazing phenomenon.

A vacuum is a space where there is no matter. On Earth, nature doesn’t like a vacuum. So outside pressure will try to push particles into the vacuum to fill the empty space inside of the vacuum.

Interesting, huh?

Our lives our like a vacuum.

We’ll clear out a couple of bad habits. We’ll feel good about ourselves. We’ll think we’re doing great.

Except we forgot to fill the empty space created by ridding ourselves of the bad habits.

There will be a void left in our lives. An empty space longing to be filled. And it will find something to fill itself with.

We must fill that void or the bad habits will come back with a vengeance.