4 Steps To Effectively Train Your Team (Infographic)

Creating a training plan for your team members can be scary. You will have to spend hours upon hours going over information with your team. All with the thought your team member might leave before they’re fully trained… Or worse, they will leave once they’re trained and take their new skills with them.

Man getting ready to lift a barbell

Photo by Jonathan Borba

First, let’s kill the negativity. Stop worrying about whether or not your team member will leave. There’s always the possibility a team member will move on.

In all honesty, there’s something scarier than a trained team member leaving. That scarier thing is an untrained team member sticking around.

Know you and your organization will benefit from a trained team member. An untrained team member will only bring your organization down.

What All The World’s Leaders Studied In School (2018 Edition)

When you’re deciding what to study at college, the chances are that not many of us would have been thinking about which subject would be best for putting us on the path to the White House, or 10 Downing Street, or the Kremlin. But that’s exactly where some former college students ended up, so were there any clues about their career path from the courses they chose?

Learn what world leaders study

Photo by Matt Botsford

And which subjects have produced the most world leaders? CashNetUSA have done the research, looking into the educational history of every leader in every country in the world, and their results are hugely interesting, to say the least. 83% of the top politicians on the globe did some form of higher education, with others having either the Royal or military background to make that unnecessary.

20 Habits Of Highly Unsuccessful And Ineffective Leaders

Being a leader is not an easy task. You need to guide those that follow you to achieve a common goal.

It has been said that a motivated worker is a productive worker thus a leader must also be a good role model.

A quote from John Quincy Adam  says,

If your actions inspire  others to dream more, learn  more, do more and become more,  you are a leader

Here’s an infographic created by Gordon Tredgold with Visme (https://www.visme.co) that sums up the habits a leader should avoid.

Avoid these bad leadership habits

To get a downloadable PDF version of this infographic, just click here.

5 Types of Problematic Remote Employees (and How Leaders Can Help Them Succeed)

Both managers and their employees love the idea of remote work.

From the employee side, remote work offers comfort, flexibility, and an alternative to a long commute into the office. In fact, a third of American workers say they’re willing to take a small pay cut in exchange for such an opportunity.

From the management side, remote work gives businesses the flexibility to run a little leaner because of reduced overhead costs.

But remote work arrangements require managers to place additional trust in their employees — and for those employees to earn that trust by proving they’re able to do good work from wherever they are.

This is a challenge for many people, especially first-time remote workers. A kitchen table or a corner seat at a cafe is a cozy place to work from, but those environments can be surprisingly distracting.

Don’t Be One Of These Bad Managers (InfoGraphic)

We’ve all experienced a bad manager or two. Some of us have even experienced toxic leaders.

Today, I want to share with you an awesome inforgraphic that shows 8 types of toxic managers and what you can do to deal with these toxic people.

Don't be a toxic leader

Infographic Courtesy of GetVoip

Don’t be a toxic leader. Rise above this type of poor leadership.

You have it in you. I know it.

Question: Have you faced any of these toxic leaders or managers? If so, how did you deal with it? Share your story in the comment section below.