The Wide-Ranging Impact Of Our Mistakes

Our world is flawed. Ever since Adam and Eve took a bite out of that scrumptious apple, our lives changed.

With that fateful bite, mistakes were brought into the world. And everyone will make a mistake.

Your failure impacts many

Image by Eric Vernier

However, as leaders, mistakes can be much more costly to us. The Bible tells us that leaders are held to a higher standard.

When a leader falls, the impact of our mistakes go much further than if they were made by a lay-person.

You never realize how far your failures as a leader will reach until you’ve experienced a failure or a leader you know experiences failure. Walking side-by-side, you see the devastation that is left when leaders make poor choices.

How Far Leadership Failure Reaches

Seeing a leader I greatly respected choose to walk in moral failure has been devastating. Not only for myself but for the many people he’s led and influenced through his life.

The Larger Impact Of Your Leadership

Take a moment and think about your leadership. Who does it affect? How far into the future will your leadership go?

These are two questions we need to think about. It’s the larger impact of leadership.

Leaders can often see well into the future. Leaders are the vision casters. The ones who create big schemes to do grand things.

If we’re thoughtful as a leader, we can guide the future of our leadership and raise up new leaders to take our place. This is how our leadership can have a lasting impact. In reality, the way we train up our team can carry onto generations we never thought we’d touch.

We’ve got to be mindful of the impact we’re leaving. Think about your legacy today. Picture it in your mind. Plan it out and create the road map that will be the guide as you lead.

It’s Time To Start Using Adult Language

I’m going to shock you a bit today. Why? Because I’m going to tell you it’s time to begin using adult language in your conversations.

yellow rotary phone

That’s right. We need to step up our game and begin using adult language. It’s the way you’re going to move ahead in the world.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about profanity laced tirades, four-letter words, or depreciating language.

I’m talking about real adult language.

Encouraging Phrases

You can begin using adult language by speaking encouraging phrases. Tell others the great job they’re doing. Shower them with praise.

Here’s a few ways you can speak like an adult by encouraging others.

  • I trust you
  • You’re awesome
  • You did a great job
  • Thanks for your help

Hopeful Words

Next, begin implementing hopeful words. These words will raise others up and fill them with hope.