The Best Leadership Quotes From The Global Leadership Summit Special Edition

I had the pleasure of attending the Global Leadership Summit Special Edition 2023 on February 16th, which was my birthday. The Global Leadership Summit Special Edition was packed full of great content.

The lineup for this summit was fantastic. It included faith-based speakers along with those in the traditional business world. I love when summits do this because you get to hear such a diverse group of voices. You’re then able to take away what you can from the different speakers.

Who were the speakers at the Global Leadership Summit Special Edition? They were:

  • Craig Groeschel
  • Todd Henry
  • Dan Owolabi (contest winner to speak and, in my opinion, the best speaker there)
  • Robert Morris
  • Heather R. Younger
  • Jose M. Hernandez
  • Cyn Marshall

Become A Role Model Leader

Okay, you’ve been leading for some time now. You got the lay of the land and you are feeling comfortable as a leader.

What’s next in leadership? The next step is to become a role model leader.

All leaders need a role model

Image by Evan Rummel

Because of your positional authority, you’re leading multiple people. Each person you’re leading is looking to you for something.

Whether that is guidance in what to do, how to handle difficult situations, or the best way to act, people are looking up to you. Now, it’s time to give them something to look up to.

It’s time you become a Role Model Leader.

How To Become A Role Model Leader

Those 3 words (Role Model Leader) can feel heavy. And they should.

As a leader, you carry a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. One of those being the fact you are now a role model for others.

Why You Should Help People

Have you ever been around someone who would move to world to help a brother out? These people seem to be rare these days.

When you find them, you want to make sure the friendship lasts. You know there’s something special about them.

They know you should help people. It’s the right thing to do. What about you?

People who are willing to help are people magnets. Everyone wants to be around a person like that.

Their desire to help people shines a beacon. And they deserve the attention they get.

Two friends come to mind when I think about people who are extraordinary helpers. First is my coworker Jim.

Jim’s a guy who’s always looking to help someone out. Whether it’s opening his home to a person in need or fixing my latest automotive disaster, Jim’s right there to help.