Get More Done By Doing Less

I don’t have enough time in the day to get everything I need to done. That’s the cry of so many leaders out there.

You’ve probably uttered those words as well. You feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities of your leadership role.

I’ve got a little something for you today. You can get more done by doing less.

Do less, get more done

Image by Evan Rummel

Today’s post is going to seem counter-intuitive until you digest what I say. Yet I truly believe we can get more done by doing less.

The Myth Of Do More

We’ve been led to believe we need to pack our days full of activity. If there’s an empty spot in your day, you have to fill it.

But that’s hogwash. You know it. I know it. The world knows it.

Yet we still strive to fill our days with task upon task. This is the myth of Do More.