Getting Through The Leadership Blahs

My wife and I had the pleasure of being some of the leaders in the youth group at our former church. We had so many great times at the church.

We also had times where we didn’t want to leave our house on a Wednesday night and show up for the kids (Sorry former students who may be reading this. It’s the truth, but it doesn’t mean we don’t love you guys!).

Those nights we didn’t want to show up, we had the leadership blahs. You know what those are, right? You’ve probably had them.

What Are The Leadership Blahs?

There are many situations which could be called the leadership blahs. For me, it was the nights I didn’t want to get my stuff together and be there for the students. I wanted to be selfish and do my own thing.

Why Leaders Must Be Fighting Men or Women

As a leader, you’ve probably experienced times of feeling down and out. Like you couldn’t go on anymore.

You just wanted to give up and throw in the towel. But you know better.

You’re a leader who is persistent. You’re a leader who is resilient. You’re a leader who is determined.

You’re a fighting leader.

Luis Contreras Vs Demetrious Mighty Mouse Johnson Fight

Image by Kelly Bailey

Leadership will draw out traits in you that you never knew you possessed. One of those will be the spirit of a fighter.

There will be times when your position of leadership requires you to be a fighter. Kind of like Rocky, but instead of knocking someone out you persist and continue. Taking on the trials of leadership.

Your time as a fighter will require three traits:

  • Persistence
  • Resilience
  • Determination

Fighting To Be Right

Sometimes I think the need to be right is a deep down desire…

We argue with those we love, push people away, and make others feel worthless. All because we FEEL we need to be right.

Have you ever found yourself in that situation before?

Man punching someone in the face

Image by Daniel Morris

I have. Even recently.

My wife and I were looking for our water bottles that we refill. They were missing and we couldn’t find them.

When I returned home from a long day at work, I noticed something in the bathroom. There was one of the water bottles.

We then had a “conversation.”

Me: Hey honey. I found one of the water bottles.

Her: Where at?

Me: In the bathroom. You must have put it there.

Her: No, I didn’t bring anything into the bathroom today.