You Can’t Care For Others If You Won’t Care For Yourself

One of the prime goals of a leader should be to care for others. Whether it’s through the desire to influence someone to perform better or to see someone accomplish their lifelong goals, we have to care to help people succeed.

Yet we so often forget to care for one person in particular. This person is very valuable and requires attention to perform at peak levels.

That person is YOU! Yes, YOU! You need to care for yourself.

Yes, we must be aware of the needs and desires of others. We must be willing to step forward and care for them. Though not at the expense of your health or mental well-being.

Winter is coming to an end soon and as you know the flu season has been a nasty one this year. Lots of sickness being spread around the offices.

Why You Should Spend Less Time Talking

It’s often been said people won’t care what you have to say until they know how much you care. While a short quote, this little statement speaks volumes to the power of feeling cared for.

I believe one of the best ways we can show others we care is by talking less.

Is it time to shut your mouth?

Image by David Geohring

But how can this be? Can we really show others we care when we zip our lips?

In a recent Success Magazine article, Adam Sher, CEO of Ryan Seacrest Productions, said this about Ryan:

Ryan listens to what people are saying and has an uncanny ability to understand where they’re coming from and what they really want. In meetings, he spends much more time listening and taking notes than he does talking.

From the same article, Larry King says this about Seacrest:

How To Deal With Overwhelm

We’re a couple of days into the new year. How’s it going so far? Excellent, I hope.

And yet I fear you may say you’re already feeling overwhelmed with the new year.

There’s the goals you’ve set that you’re already behind on. There’s the resolutions you’re no longer committed to. There’s not enough time in the day to get done what needs to be done.

You’re struggling and wondering how to deal with the overwhelm you’re feeling.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s never a good feeling. You feel you can’t accomplish what you’ve set out to do. There’s a struggle. You might even feel like you’re drowning.

That’s the power of feeling overwhelmed. You no longer feel in control and the world is spinning around you.

It’s always amazing to me how heavy the feeling of overwhelm can be in your life.

Good Intentions Matter

We’ve often been told that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’ve always taken this to mean that good intentions weren’t good enough by themselves.

But is that really true? Can good intentions make bad situations better?

Shocking villians Electro and The Shocker

Image by Pat Loika

Shockingly, and yes that’s a pun, good intentions matter. More so than you may think.

In a study conducted at the University of Maryland by Kurt Gray, good intentions can make the difference. The difference of how badly a shock will hurt. The difference of how sweet a piece of candy will taste. The difference of whether or not a message was pleasurable or not.

So, how can we apply this to our leadership? That’s the million dollar question.

I believe you can:

Controlling Your Emotions By Using Emotional Intelligence

Thursday night I had the pleasure of sitting down and having a conversation with Linda Hoenigsberg over Google Hangouts.

It was such a joy to discuss emotional intelligence and how we can learn to control our emotional state.

Watch the video below to see our emotional intelligence discussion.

What you’ll learn in the video:

How emotions effect the workplace and your ability to lead: Linda shares a shocking story on how a leader missed being aware of the emotional environment and what this did to her.

What you can do to calm the emotional environment in your workplace: Emotions can run wild within an organization. People are interacting with one another and signals can get crossed. Learn what you can do to calm the emotional storms when they arise.