Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Netflix’s Bright

A Reel Leadership Article

In the 2018 Netflix original movie Bright, a human cop is forced to partner with an Orc. The cop is Daryl Ward (Will Smith) and the Orc is Nick Jakoby (Joel Edgerton).

Tension is high between the various races of Orcs, Elves, and Humans. Being paired up with an Orc meant Daryl Ward was in for a world of trouble.

leadership from Netflix's Bright with Will Smith

Bright begins with Daryl being shot during an armed robbery. His partner, Nick, was busy buying a street burrito for Daryl. After a brief hospital stay, Daryl is back in the squad car with Nick riding shotgun.

While the language was very strong (multiple F-Bombs were dropped), the story was intriguing. The buddy cop twist was different. And, of course, there are plenty of leadership lessons in Netflix’s Bright. Let’s take a look at those leadership lessons below.

Caution: Spoilers for Netflix’s Bright below.

Become A Role Model Leader

Okay, you’ve been leading for some time now. You got the lay of the land and you are feeling comfortable as a leader.

What’s next in leadership? The next step is to become a role model leader.

All leaders need a role model

Image by Evan Rummel

Because of your positional authority, you’re leading multiple people. Each person you’re leading is looking to you for something.

Whether that is guidance in what to do, how to handle difficult situations, or the best way to act, people are looking up to you. Now, it’s time to give them something to look up to.

It’s time you become a Role Model Leader.

How To Become A Role Model Leader

Those 3 words (Role Model Leader) can feel heavy. And they should.

As a leader, you carry a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. One of those being the fact you are now a role model for others.