The Disciplines Of A Healthy Leader

The Disciplined Leader Series

Healthy leaders are disciplined leaders. They know they have to take their thoughts captive and break their will. To be truly disciplined is to be broken but whole.

At first glance, this doesn’t make sense. How can someone be broken yet whole?

What disciplines does a healthy leader have?

Photo by Joshua Earle

The healthy and disciplined leader realizes he’s already broken. In this brokenness, he can be whole if he allows himself to be.

Through the brokenness, the healthy leader realizes he must become more disciplined. By bringing his mind, heart, soul, and body to discipline, he is able to begin to mend the brokenness of his humanity.

The Disciplines Of A Healthy Leader

While you may know you’re broken, you may not know what disciplines you need to undertake to begin the healing process. These disciplines will break you more but they will also heal you faster than you could imagine.