What I Want

You guys are special. You constantly amaze me with the insights you share in the comments and your thirst to grow as leaders.

It makes me glow with pride, not for myself but for you! You guys are rocking it.

What I want

That’s why I want to share what I want for each and every one of you who reads my blog.

I want you to reach a level of success that balances work and play

I want you to discover friends who are willing to hold you accountable

I want you to go hard after your dreams

I want you to have a family that loves and cares for you

I want you to love and care for others

I want you to live a life worth living

I want you to be a positive influence on those around you

What’s Your Secret Life?

A Reel Leadership Article

The movie, The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty really got me thinking. My wife and I decided to make it a date night Tuesday and check out a movie at the cheap theater.

We had the choice of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire or The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty. Having seen Catching Fire (and it’s a fantastic movie if you’re wondering) and knowing Pam wouldn’t watch it, we decided on The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.

Where do you want to go?

Image by Guy Sie

Walter Mitty has a simplistic storyline. One, I believe, most of us can relate to.

IMDB begins to describe the movie as the story of a day-dreamer who escapes his anonymous life by disappearing into a world of fantasies filled with heroism, romance and action.

What is Your Leader Chasing After?

Sunday morning, my pastor shared a dream he had had with the congregation. It went like this:

There was a mature dog with five puppies following it. The lead dog was chasing after a cat.

The pursuit was long and hard. But eventually the dog and the pups pounced on the cat.

Only there was one problem. The cat was not a cat.

It was a skunk!

When the dogs pounced on the skunk, the skunk sprayed the lead dog and the five puppies, covering them in an unbearable stench.

Via Creative Commons

Can you see how this situation might play out in your role as a leader?

The mature dog is a leader that you admire and follow. He knows what he is doing and he does it well. He is chasing the dream!