Why Leaders Need To Be Dependable

There’s always one quality leaders are looking for in their followers. More than their knowledge and skills, leaders want their team members to be dependable.

They want people who will show up. On time. Where they’re needed.

But what about the leader themselves? Can they be counted on? Are they dependable?

Are you a dependable leader?

That’s a good question. And one every leader needs to ask themselves.

Are You A Dependable Leader?

Well, are you?

John Maxwell has said:

Dependability is more than ability alone

Yes, you might be able to inspire those who are around you. You might even be able to raise the profits of your organization to unheard of levels.

But you could be missing the key to fantastic leadership. That is being dependable.

We demand it from those we lead. We tell them to be at the office at 8AM sharp.