The Missing Leadership Ingredient

Great leaders all have many traits in common. Great leaders are able to cast vision.

They’re also able to inspire others. Not only that, great leaders know how to get the job done.

But there’s one thing aspiring leaders can miss that will hold them back. There’s a missing leadership ingredient every great leader must have.

What leadership ingredient are you missing?

12th Grade Me

Looking back through my grade school years, there’s a handful of teachers that I can remember. There’s even less who had a meaningful impact on my life that I can recall.

One man sticks out. His name? Gibner… Mr. Gibner.

What made Mr. Gibner so memorable? He held the missing ingredient of leadership that holds so many back.

I look back all those years ago and can remember it like yesterday.

My girlfriend had broken up with me. I’d been kicked out of church. And I was highly emotional.