How To Create Consistent Blog Content

Probably the biggest challenge in starting a blog is the process of creating content. Especially on a consistent basis.

Common blogging wisdom tells the blog author that he has to write 3 blog posts a week. Some will even tell the person looking to start a blog that they need to create content 5 days a week.

That’s a lot of content, even at 3 times a week. Blogging this much is also a huge time commitment.

On average, writing a blog post takes me upwards of an hour. Times that by 3 or 5 or 6, depending on the amount of content I produce, and that’s almost a day’s worth of work.

But, with a system, writing consistent blog content can be easier.

6 Easy Ways To Grow Your Blog Audience

I haven’t met a blogger who hasn’t wanted to have a larger audience. Have you?

I didn’t think so.

You can grow your blog audience

When you begin putting yourself out on the internet and blogging about a topic you like, whether it’s blogging about leaders or drones or some other interest of yours, you want to gain the attention of people and have them come to your site.

That’s a given. However, so many bloggers don’t put in any effort to bring in new audience members.

We’re going to discuss that today and help you grow your blog following

1. Reach out to other bloggers in your area of expertise: Common business philosophy has told us that competitors can’t help each other out. There’s only so many clients to go around and you can’t help a rival gain a customer.

What’s Working For Me In The Blogging World

One of the big takeaways I got from my recent reader survey was the desire to learn more about blogging and what creates a successful blog. Because of that, I want to share what’s working in blogging.

I want to be of help to you as you build your platform. As you grow your audience. As you take your leadership presence to the next level.

Great blog tips

Image by Sean MacEntee

So, what’s working for me and my blog? There’s 4 things I’ve really been focusing on. If they’re working for me, I think they’ll work for you as well.

1. Creating a gift for email subscribers: It took me awhile but I released my first eBook in October of 2013. Since that time, my email list has grown at an accelerated rate. In the 6 months since the release of my eBook, I’ve seen my email list double in size.

How I Find Time To Create Blog Content

One of the facts that I hope I’ve gotten through to you is that regardless of what you think, we all have the same amount of time in our days. 24 hours. No more, no less.

I preface this blog post with that fact because many people have wondered how I find time to create blog content on a regular basis.

Today, that’s what I want to share with you. My so-called secret to writing blog posts.

You don't have to be the Flash to have time to write

Image by JD Hancock

There’s no magic bullet that helps me create new blog posts. There’s nothing special you need to do either to be the next blogger who shares regularly.

You’re not the Flash and move at superhuman speed. Luckily that’s not the secret sauce to writing regularly. Though having the power to write at superhuman speed would be awesome!