4 Ways To Balance Leadership Roles And Personal Identity

When I started to blog, I found myself losing myself. I wanted so badly to be successful that I gave up a lot of my identity. I stopped watching television and movies, I changed the way I dressed, and I even left behind hobbies I enjoyed.

What happened here?

I lost my personal identity. I let my role as a leadership blogger supersede my personal identity. And it sucked.

Woman sitting in front of an Apple MacBook laptop

Photo by Mapbox on Unsplash

While I saw success blogging and sharing my leadership insights, I felt adrift. I felt like I was missing something. I was. I was missing myself.

Talking to other leaders, this happens often. New leaders have their own unique style that gets pushed to the background so they can fit in with the current slate of leaders. The same leaders that come and go.

Here’s the crazy part. One thing remains the same: YOU

Stop Striving For Perfection

Or How I Overcame My Fear Of Writing

I remember when I first heard about blogging. The thought of typing out my leadership insights and ideas thrilled me. Then those same thoughts terrified me.

Soon, they turned from excitement to dread. Why?

Because I was caught up with the idea my work needed to be perfect. I had to strive for perfection.

Perfection isn't for leaders

I Was Foolish

But I was also normal. Everyone who has the desire to create art wants to do so with perfection.

They want their work to be above criticism. They want people to love what they do.

I was striving for perfection.

The truth is this often isn’t possible. Especially as you first start out.

I couldn’t be perfect in my writing. I didn’t know how to write well. And I felt foolish

So I hid.

Blogging Feels Like Hard Work

Those looking for blogging advice are often told that they need to blog consistently. You need to create a blogging schedule and stick to the schedule.

So, you dutifully go about creating content on a regular basis. You feel great. Until you hit the point where blogging feels like work. Hard work, at that.

Anything worthwhile is hard work

I know. Because I’ve been there. And I’m there right now.

There are days I don’t feel like creating blog content. I don’t want to sit in front of my computer.

Yet I do this anyways. I sit down to write a blog post.

Why I Blog

There are many reasons to blog.

You may want to blog:

To help people become a better leader

To share what you know with others who are a few steps behind you

To have fun

To turn a profit

4 Things To Know Before You Begin A Blog

There’s a common question you get when people find out that you write a blog and share your thoughts. That question is:

What do I need to know when I begin a blog?

It’s a simple question with a lot of different answers. It’s also a tough question to answer.

This question was asked, once again, recently.

It thrills me when people want to know how to blog. Why? Because blogging is a lot of fun.

My former youth pastor created a blog. My nephew’s wife has started a blog. And, most recently, our new pastor’s daughter has started a blog (Go over to these blogs and leave some love!).

They’ve all asked for a little bit of advice on blogging. And, today, I wanted to share the 4 things you should know when you begin blogging.