What You Need To Know About Leadership Before You Begin To Lead

Leadership isn't for everyone

Leadership is such a complicated idea. One we try to boil down to trite quotes and phrases.

We’ve all heard “Leadership is influence. Plain and simple.” or “Leadership is the impact you on another person’s life.” or maybe “Leadership is doing the right thing.” These leadership quotes are great. They give us an idea of what to shoot for but they also don’t tell you what you need to know about leadership before you begin to lead.

Leadership requires you to know these things

Image by Evan Rummel

Leadership is more complicated than a simple quote. You’re going to run into situations where cute leadership quotes won’t do anything for you.

While leadership quotes are fun, quotes aren’t going to prepare you to lead well. And you need to be prepared to lead.

So, today, let’s talk about what you need to know about leadership before you begin to lead.