4 Reasons You Need To Stop Asking Why Me?

I’m pretty sure there’s not a person out there who hasn’t asked “Why me?” This question has almost become default for many people today.

Every time something bad happens, they automatically ask why bad things happen.

But asking Why Me won’t really help you. In fact, asking this question hinders you more often than anything else.

You might be asking yourself Why Me?

Image by Anne Hornyak

We’ve got to begin shifting our mindsets and asking better questions. Why me has to be one of the least productive questions to ask yourself.

Why? I’m glad you asked. What you’ll find in this post is the answer to that question and why you need to stop asking Why Me?

1. Asking why me? places the focus on you: We’ve got to get over the thought the world revolves around us. It doesn’t. We’re just one more person on the rock that’s circling the sun.