Will You Seek Wisdom?

Often, after graduating school, we put our quest for knowledge on hold or kill it altogether. We feel that we have it all figured out.

Well, we need to put a stop to that line of thinking. It’s going to get you nowhere fast as a leader.

I Will Seek Wisdom

I wrote about the first decision in The Traveler’s Gift last month. The second decision for success Andy Andrews mentions in the Traveler’s Gift is I Will Seek Wisdom.

What does this look like?

  • Reading Quality Material: Seek out wisdom in great books. There’s thousands of years worth of information contained in written form. It’s there for your taking. Pick up a book and learn the story of our history, the principles of great leaders, or the adventures of heroes no longer with us.

    As you consume quality reading material, you’ll gain wisdom. You’ll see the ways others have succeeded and led well. You’ll also see the failures of great men. Learn what you can from their mistakes.

The Buck Stops With You

Do you ever wonder why you’re where you are? How did you end up in your current position?

It’s easy to dismiss it as life passing us by and circumstances bringing us to where we are.

It’s easy but not true. The truth is you made choices that brought you to where you are.

That means the buck stops with you.

You Are Here sign

Image by Choko

This is a principle Andy Andrews talks about in his book The Traveler’s Gift.

The main protagonist asks:

Why Me?

He’s then given the answer. Every choice he’s made has led him to his current situation. His choice of:

  • schools to attend
  • companies to send resumes
  • company he worked for
  • where and what to eat
  • staying with the company when he could have retired early

Each choice led him closer and closer to this point in his life.

Overlooking The Perfect Moments

Everyday there are perfect moments happening.

They’re right in front of us but we let them pass us by.

Lake Michigan Sunset

Image by Rachel Kramer

What’s a perfect moment you ask? Andy Andrews talks about it in his free eBook The Perfect Moment.

It’s a moment in time that creates happiness and peace. Contentment and joy. It’s the little moments that form warm feelings.

You may think I’m crazy feeling this way. “There’s hardly anything perfect going on in my life” you may say. But I challenge you to look around.

Look at the small joys in your life:

  • A romantic walk with your wife
  • Your child’s beaming smile
  • Finding the closest parking spot
  • Watching the sunset over Lake Michigan

These may not seem like perfect moments when you first think about it. Take another look. I think you’ll see something different.