For the longest time, I felt like my place was to be quiet and let others go before. I thought I had nothing to offer the world.
Whenever I’d reflect on who I was, I never saw the good. I never saw that I had skills people would give their right arm for.

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I began realizing I had skills that were valuable after I picked up a copy of Dan Miller’s 48 Days To The Work You Love (Check out my interview with Dan Miller). In his book, Dan tells us that there are opportunities all around us. We only need to open our eyes and see.
The words began to seep deep within my soul. I began to see where my talents lay.
I soon discovered I had a penchant for computer repair, leading, and writing.
What happened then?
I started a computer repair business and failed. The failure was embarrassing as it greatly diminished our household income. Yet I persisted and landed a position where these skills could be used.
I found a place to serve within a local church body. This position was helping to lead young students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and guide them through their formative years. Those days were awesome as I saw lives impacted and changed for good.
I picked up my pen, well keyboard, and began to write and share my thoughts on leadership. For the last 4 years, I’ve faithfully given away leadership advice 3 times a week. This has impacted countless lives and improved many organizations.
These are but a few ways I’ve been rocking what I’ve got. I’ve finally begun to put to use the talents and skills I’ve honed for years.
The joy I’ve received from living in my passion and competence zones is immeasurable.
Now, You’ve Got To Rock What You’ve Got
I only share the above because it illustrates clearly what I want to tell you.
You have skills and talents that you haven’t tapped into just yet. You have probably dabbled here and there but you haven’t put them to use.
Stop hiding your value from the world. Begin to rock the talents God has given you.
As you begin to use your skills, you’ll see your life change.
You’ll receive opportunities you never thought possible before. You’ll meet amazing people who are changing the world. You’ll get to really know yourself.
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