Probably the biggest challenge in starting a blog is the process of creating content. Especially on a consistent basis.
Common blogging wisdom tells the blog author that he has to write 3 blog posts a week. Some will even tell the person looking to start a blog that they need to create content 5 days a week.

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That’s a lot of content, even at 3 times a week. Blogging this much is also a huge time commitment.
On average, writing a blog post takes me upwards of an hour. Times that by 3 or 5 or 6, depending on the amount of content I produce, and that’s almost a day’s worth of work.
But, with a system, writing consistent blog content can be easier.
How To Write Consistently
I have a few tricks in my writing toolbox that I use to make sure I’m consistently pumping out content. It’s taken a lot of practice and time to hone these habits. If you put in the time, you can too.
So, how do I make sure to write at least 3 times a week?
Create a writing time: I have a regular 40-hour workweek on top of my writing. This means I’m behind a desk from 8 in the morning to 5 in the evening doing work for someone else. I can’t write during the workday.
Rather, I had to carve out time for writing in my evenings.
I’ve set aside an hour at 8 or 9 PM to begin writing. I then sit down and write during that timeframe.
This allows me to mentally focus on the task at hand and know what I will be doing at that time.
And while I’d like to say that this is set in stone, I realize life isn’t perfect. I may have to tweak the exact time of writing, but it gets done almost every night at those times.
Find a topic you love: The next big hurdle aspiring authors face is the drudgery of writing on a specific topic over a long period of time. Even your most loved topic can become mundane after years of writing about it.
For me, the topic that gripped me was leadership. That’s why I created this resource so those looking to improve their leadership abilities could find a central hub.
When you choose a topic you love, writing will be quite a bit easier. You have a passion for the topic and you want to share it with others.
Pick a topic you love and you can write for quite a long time.
Mix it up: While you may love writing about leadership or technology or personal development, writing on the same topic over and over again can wear you out. That’s why it’s okay to mix things up ever so often on your blog.
You’ve earned the ability to talk about more than your specific topic if you’ve been writing for awhile.
By mixing up your writing, you’ll be able to share about other topics that you’re interested in. And, more than likely, topics your audience is interested in as well.
Don’t be afraid to throw a post about your dog or a movie you love.
Being a consistent writer doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think it will be. You can set yourself up for success by setting aside time to write, finding a topic you love, and changing the topic once in awhile.
When you do this, you’ll discover you have a lot to say. You’ll also see people are hungry to read what you’re blogging about.
Don’t be afraid to start blogging. You can do it and do it consistently!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.