Fear is an amazing emotion. Fear causes us to want to stand up and fight or to tuck our tails between our legs and run for the hills.
When you’ve felt fear in the past, you felt one of those two reactions boiling up within you.
In the end, fear is just a message.

Image by Tomasz Stasiuk
Fear tells us we need to do something. Are you listening?
Growing up, I loved to watch horror movies. The movies that would scare the socks off of someone.
If a movie could send chills up my spine, I wanted to watch it.
One such series of movies was Nightmare On Elm Street with Freddy Krueger.
Freddy Krueger came back from the dead to hunt the children of the people who killed him. He had knives for fingers. He haunted the dreams of those children.
And he used the dreams to eventually kill them.
This dude was creepy. Freddy put fear into you. He was someone you didn’t want to meet, in a back alley or in your dreams.
Nightmare On Elm Street showed me just how powerful fear could be.
That is until I realized fear was just a message being sent. Fear was telling me something.
Fear told me I either needed to run from the scary monster or to stand up and face him.
Honestly, if I ever met Freddy Krueger, there’s a very good chance I would have run as fast as I could. Which at the time wouldn’t have been very fast.
Fear tells us we may be in danger and we have to react to the imminent threat. Failing to act, we could be in trouble.
Don’t let fear rule your life. Realize the purpose of fear.
Fear is a form of communication. Fear is just delivering a message.
Find out what message fear is giving. Examine the message. Decide what action to take.
Question: What message has fear delivered to you? How are you going to respond? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.