Practical Ideas To Enhance Effective Leadership

A stellar group leader is first a very good person, a role model in character and behavior. Further, in demeanor and approach, an effective leader emanates the “feel” of being part of the group rather than above it. Examples include endeavoring to talk with instead of to the group in tone and substance and working hands-on as part of the group instead of its boss in group-related projects and activities.

Recognize that you are a Role Model

People follow and readily acknowledge leaders that they respect. Like it or not, life-quality and authentic leadership go hand in hand. Like children with parents, people tend to and should watch how leaders live and react to circumstances more than they hear them. Thus, living lays the foundation (or not) for people to actually listen to you (actions and words) and embrace your position as a leader.

Considerations To Keep in Mind if You’re Serious About Your at-Home Business

This is a contributed article. See our Guest Posting guidelines to learn more about contributed content.

A lot of us have started to look into running online businesses to help supplement our income and chase something that we’re really passionate about. But if you’re serious about starting an at-home business then it’s important to remember that your home will effectively become your office.

This is a strange thought for some people, especially if you’re not accustomed to freelancing or even working from home. Distractions suddenly become huge productivity hits and you’ll realize that working on a laptop in bed isn’t as comfortable as it sounds.

So if you’re thinking about getting serious with an at-home business, here are a couple of things to keep in mind so that you’re prepared for the challenges ahead.

New Business? Here’s Four Places You’ll Spend Your Money

This is a contributed article. See our Guest Posting guidelines to learn more about contributed content.

When you bootstrap your business, you choose the easiest and best solution to starting a business. Going ahead with a business idea without a huge wedge of cash in the bank can feel impossible, but it’s easier than you think. The more money you have, the more time you can put into your business to get it going. When you don’t have any lenders on your back you guarantee that this is your business and no one else’s – it’s you calling the shots, and that can change everything for you.

The problem is that a lot of businesses take cutting back a little too far. As a new business, especially one in construction, you need to spend money. You can still save on what you’re spending, though, and you do that by ensuring that you have the right RIB CCS’s construction & engineering solutions at your side. You can also take on the information below, which tells you four key places you’re going to spend your money as you get started.

A Checklist For Challenging Times

If you’re feeling the world is changing more dramatically and abruptly than ever, you’re not alone.

Major and unexpected shifts are becoming increasingly frequent. The global COVID-19 lockdown. The Black Lives Matter movement. And the next one…

Photo of a mountain

Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger

And these events have left us with incredibly poor visibility into the future. Frankly, no-one has a clue what’s going to happen next! Who knows what the economy will be like, what shifts in demand we’ll see, who’ll be the winners and the losers.

Even on the much smaller scale of a single business, the ecosystem in which our business operates has become so complex and interrelated, it’s not possible to neatly model cause-and-effect.

So, what’s the tool we need to turn to when complexity and uncertainty rises?

A checklist.

A Compassion Mindset Is The Secret For Engagement

What is Engagement?

Engagement is all the rage. Why? Because engaged employees are happier and more productive. Gallup defines engagement as “A belief among employees that they’re doing meaningful work in a climate that supports personal growth and development.” Dan Pink, in his New York Times best-selling book, Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, analyzed four decades of engagement research to identify three key drivers; autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

Three ingredients for engagement:

At a practical level, engagement means:

  • employees have influence over how they do their work,
  • are learning and growing every day, and
  • are connected to something bigger than themselves.

Companies with the most engaged employees see real business results, such as reduced turnover, improved productivity, lower safety incidents, increased wellness, higher customer satisfaction, and up to 21% higher profitability[1]. Jim Harter, a chief scientist at Gallup Research summarized it this way, “Engaged employees are more attentive and vigilant. They look out for the needs of their co-workers and the overall enterprise, because they ‘own’ the result of their work and that of the organization.”[2]