4 Money Management Tips for Retirees

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Transitioning into retirement requires a shift in how you manage your finances. With a different income structure and potentially altering priorities, ensuring that your savings last through retirement is a pivotal concern.

In 2023, the average monthly retirement income adjusted for inflation is $4,381.25, with an annual income of $75,254 for adults 65 and over. The median retirement income is reported to be $52,575, underscoring the variance in retirees’ financial situations. A commonly suggested benchmark is to aim for a retirement income that is 80% of your pre-retirement income​.

Adapting your financial plan to accommodate these changes is crucial for a secure and comfortable retirement.

Leadership Lessons From Beloved Children’s Story Characters

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Children’s stories always have more than just entertainment value. They’re usually there to send an important message or convey a valuable lesson. With so many children’s stories, one could argue that every conceivable topic is already covered. To put this to the test, here’s what you can learn about leadership by analyzing some of the most beloved children’s story characters. 

Simba, The Lion King

Simba just couldn’t wait to be king in The Lion King, and this is probably one of the best examples of how young employees see the role of leadership. All they see is the glamour and respect, but what they don’t see is the price behind it.

How To Make Your Team Ridiculously Productive

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Leadership isn’t just about making your colleagues feel nice and fuzzy inside. It’s also about delivering world-shaping productivity.

But how do you make it happen? That’s the purpose of this post. We take a look at some of the proven strategies you can use to increase what your team can get done every hour of the week

Make It Individual

First, you’ll want to adapt to individual preferences. Recognizing that everyone is different can be a powerful way to maximize their productivity potential. 

Start by carefully observing team members and working out what makes them tick. Once you have a better understanding of who they are, you are in a better position to make changes to your processes and procedures. 

5 Important Things Upcoming Entrepreneurs Should Know

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Embarking on the entrepreneurial path is a significant endeavor. It’s filled with exhilarating milestones, yet it can present a set of challenges. Being well-prepared from the outset with a robust plan, sufficient capital, and a dedicated team is imperative.

This guide delineates five crucial steps to fortify the inception of your business. We will delve into crafting a robust business plan, prudent financial management, assembling a proficient team, embracing technology, and growing.

Each segment will provide you with a clearer perspective on what to contemplate as you begin your business journey. With a coherent plan, astute financial decisions, and a committed team, you are well-aligned to actualize your business aspirations.

A Revolution in Smart, Electric, and Connected Vehicles

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Not so long ago, cars were just machines on wheels, driven by humans. Fast forward to today, and we’re truly witnessing a revolution in the world of vehicles. It’s not just about self driving cars anymore, it’s actually about redefining what cars can do and how they can make our lives better. Read on to find out more!

Cars that Drive Themselves

Remember we all used to dream about cars driving themselves? That dream is now a reality. These smart cars use fancy technology to steer, accelerate, and brake all on their own. Autonomous cars are equipped with sensors and cameras that act as their eyes and ears. They can detect obstacles, read road signs, and even anticipate the movements of other vehicles leading to a safer and more efficient driving experience.