10 Bible Verses To Remind Leaders Who Really Is In Control

You’re a leader. You’re in charge! Right?!?


We may be given authority over some areas of our lives, but there’s someone else who is in control. I fully believe God is in control.

I hope you do too.

Today, these 10 verses are here to remind you of who is in charge. And it’s not you. It’s someone who has your best interest and those you lead’s best interest in mind.

10 Bible Verses To Remind Leaders Who Really Is In Control

1. Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

God tells us that He will be with us wherever we go. There’s no need to be afraid.

What Should A Christian Leader Desire?

I was recently gifted a book by the worship and connection pastor, Bobby Hill, at our church. The book’s title is A Tale Of Three Kings: A Study In Brokenness by Gene Edwards.

The title won’t catch your attention—the content of A Tale Of Three Kings will.

The book is short; the copy I have clocks in at a whopping 101 pages. It’s short. It’s easy to read. It isn’t easy to digest.

A Tale Of Three Kings is geared toward the Christian leader. This is a leader who proclaims Christ to be Lord of their lives. If you’re not a Christian, you may disagree with Edwards’ thoughts. Heck, if you are a Christian, the ideas laid out by Edwards are hard to digest.

One thought struck me as incredibly profound. On page 78, Edwards wrote:

Leading In A Secular World

Most of my readers know I come from a strong Christian background. My faith plays a huge role in the way I lead and the way I think about leadership.

But what happens when a faith-based or Christian leader gets tossed into a secular world? This may be you have been let go as an employee of the church and need to find employment in the traditional sphere of work or you have chosen to leave on your own. Or maybe you never worked in the church but you love God and are a Christian.

Man with his arms stretched wide praising God

Photo by Zac Durant

These situations can be tough. You know the world can be unkind to Christians. Many Christians believe they’re persecuted and made fun of because of their faith.

They can’t imagine what it would take to lead as a Christian in a secular business.

10 Bible Verses To Start Your Day Right

The way you start your day will direct the way your day goes. I say start your day right.

How do you do this? You can start your day right by digging into God’s word. By studying it and making the most of your time with God.

Man reading the Bible

Photo by Rod Long

Today, I want to encourage you to seek God’s face as your day begins. Use your time with God to encourage you to lead better and stronger than before.

To do this, I want to share 10 Bible verses that will help you start your day right.

10 Bible Verses To Start Your Day Right

1. Psalms 118:6

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

This is a great reminder to us that God is on our side. He will stand firm beside us. Man cannot harm or hurt us.

7 Scriptures To Bring Hope During A Crisis

When a crisis hits, fear often comes with it. People are scared for their jobs and their health. They believe their way of living will change forever.

Those things may be in danger during a crisis. And it’s okay to be scared. Yet, there is hope out there.

We can… No, we will get through this crisis and others.

Road with a ray of sunshine hitting it

In times of crisis, I love going to the word of God. In scripture, there is hope and joy and a longing that is revealed.

I want to take a look at 7 pieces of scriptures that will bring hope during a crisis.

7 Scriptures To Bring Hope During A Crisis

1. Hebrews 10:23 – Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

When we believe in Jesus Christ, we are believing into the hope of eternal life, sanctification, and the overwhelming love Jesus Christ brings to us. During times of crisis, we can lose sight of this hope.