Today our youth pastor, two friends, my wife and I will be leaving for Catalyst East. Catalyst is a leadership conference for young leaders to join together for worship, learn about leadership, and to generate a tremendous amount of energy. It’s been likened to Acquire The Fire or Dare 2 Share for adult leaders. It’s looking to be an awesome event.
The theme of this years conference is: Be Present. We’re going to be encouraged to give our full attention to the things at hand, to pay attention to those in front of us, and to take action where we are. This is a message we need today as we’re in a world of constant distractions.
On the official start of the conference, Convoy For Hope will be arriving from their 766 mile bike ride to raise funds for the victims of the Joplin, MO tornado. Great things like this are the norm at Catalyst. From asking attendees to bring in canned foods, to the Convoy For Hope, to the message the speakers give. It’s about pouring yourself out to help others.
Here are a handful of the speakers that will be at the event:
Michael Hyatt: Former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing, Current chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishing, leadership blogger, and all around awesome guy.
Jon Acuff: Author of Stuff Christians Like and Quitter. Also a member of the Dave Ramsey team.
Dave Ramsey: Author of the newly released Entreleadership, Total Money Makeover, and many other books. He’s known as a financial guru and leadership expert. This man knows his stuff!
Andy Stanley: Son of Charles Stanley, author of Enemies of the Heart, and one of the creators of the Catalyst Conference. He’s well known as an author and a leader.
Jim Collins: Author of Good To Great and the soon to be released Great By Choice. He’s studied businesses to see what causes them to become great or falter. He’s been in the business of observing leaders for over 15 years. He’s sure to share some great stories and examples at Catalyst.
Francis Chan: Author of Crazy Love and Erasing Hell. He’s a board member of the Children’s Hunger Fund and World Impact. Founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simii Valley.
There are also many more leaders that will be speaking at the conference. With the lineup posted above and the others that were not mentioned, this is lining up to be a great conference. I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge of leadership, making some great connections, and having a great time with my friends.
When I return, I will be posting a rundown of the conference and what I learned. It’s going to be an amazing time and I hope you will enjoy the knowledge I bring back.
Question: Have you ever attended a leadership conference? If so, what was it and what did you learn from it?
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