Book Review: You Are A Writer by Jeff Goins

Have you heard of Jeff Goins? If you haven’t, you’re going to!

Jeff has been writing at since 2010 and has a passion for writing. He puts out great content 4 to 5 times a week. And he looks like Luke Skywalker.

You can’t go wrong with this guy! Even Michael Hyatt recommends him!

Jeff Goins has become one of my favorite bloggers.
—Michael Hyatt // Chairman, Thomas Nelson

You Are A Writer by Jeff Goins

Anyways, he recently penned a new book called You Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One) (affiliate link). If you’re a writer, or think you want to be one, you’re going to enjoy it!

Jeff gives you practical advice on what you need to do to become a writer. And I think you’ll like what he says.

When you read You Are A Writer, you will discover:

    • Why you need to choose the right to do what you want to do


    • How to write for the right reasons


    • Why you need to take yourself seriously


    • What your audience is relying on you forand


  • What tools you will need to succeed in the business

Jeff will also reveal to you three ways he has approached editors, blog owners, and friends about publishing his work. He does this by giving you samples of letters he has written when he approached them.

You will also discover why you need a Platform, a Brand, and Channels of Connection. He breaks down what each of these tools are, what they will do for you, and how to properly use them.

The practical advice offered in You Are A Writer will be invaluable to you as you continue your journey to becoming a writer (or are you one already?). By following his example, I believe you will become the writer you’ve dreamed of. It’s that good!

Now that you know what it’s all about, go get yourself a copy (affiliate link)! You won’t be disappointed.

“You’re ready. Ready enough, anyway.”
— Jeff Goins, You Are A Writer

Question: Are you a writer? Why do you feel this way? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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