It’s the end of the month and that means it is time for another round of book recommendations for leaders. This list contains 5 books that are old, new, and even unknown.
I believe one of the best ways for a leader to stay sharp, improve their leadership insights, physical health, and spiritual well-being is by diving into the wisdom from the ages.

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash
Today’s list contains varying books that every leader should try to read.
5 Leadership Books To Read In February 2021
1. Lead With Love by Brian Catanella:
I had the pleasure of connecting with Brian through one of the blog sites we both contribute to regularly. When I realized Brian recently released his book, I knew I had to recommend it. Even more so after reading the book.
Leading with love doesn’t come naturally to many leaders. It’s a trait that is often forgotten. However, Brian brings leaders back to love and how it impacts the way leaders lead.
2. Before You Split: Find What You Really Want for the Future of Your Marriage by Toni Nieuwhof:
Toni Nieuwhof is the wife of Carey Nieuwhof. Carey is one of my favorite podcasters. His wife Toni will become one of your favorite authors.
The state of many leader’s marriages are in a state of disarray. We’ve spent so much time in the office, chasing our dreams, and living our lives, that we forget that there’s a spouse at home who loves and cares for us.
Toni wants you to consider what it would be like to leave your unhappiness in your marriage behind rather than your spouse. It’s an intriguing read and one that could save your marriage.
3. Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: 5 Questions to Help You Determine Your Next Move by Andy Stanley:
Leadership is about influence. Leadership is also about decision making.
In Andy’s latest book, he looks at 5 questions that will help you determine your next move. Our bad decisions often come from not asking the right questions.
This book will help you examine the questions you’re asking and find better ways to come to a decision.
4. Love Let Go: Radical Generosity for the Real World by Laura Truax and Amalya Campbell:
What happens when you move from stingy and greedy to extreme generosity? Amazing things begin to happen.
LaSalle Street Church in Chicago, Il received an unexpected cash influx. The leaders of the church had to make a decision. Their decision shocked people.
The church leaders chose to give each member of their church $500 with instructions to go out and do good in God’s world.
Love Let Go follows what happened next and how it impacted members of the church and the church itself.
This was one of my best reads/listens of 2020.
5. Stop Saying You’re Fine: Discover a More Powerful You By Mel Robbins:
We’ve been taught to say “It’s okay… I’m fine.” Those words have hurt so many of us because it hides what is truly going on in our lives.
Mel Robbins uses neuroscientific research, interviews with ordinary people, and the ideas she’s used in her own life to discover what we need to do to actually become fine.
The answers may not be shocking but they’re something we need reinforced in our lives.
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