I hope everyone that celebrates Thanksgiving had a fantastic day remembering what they’re thankful for. Remember, we have a lot to be grateful for even if everything isn’t perfect in our lives.
It’s hard to believe December is right around the corner. It seems like we just started November.
With the coming new month, I want to share five leadership books to consider reading in December. These books will take your leadership to the next level.
5 Leadership Books To Read In December 2021
Halftime by Bob Buford:
Buford helps us realize that our most significant years are often not our early years. Our later years are where we’re able to put all of our learned skills, talents, and knowledge to work.
We can also take stock of our successes and accomplishments up until that point, redefine what significance means to you, identity new personal goals, and develop a mission for serving God.
Halftime is a classic game-changer book.
You can purchase Halftime on Amazon.
Beyond The Battle by Noah Filipiak:
For men, we can falter in our leadership through sexual temptation. Everything we’ve built up can be destroyed with one wrong decision.
Filipiak flips the typical sexual temptations book on its head. Rather than deal with the temptations men face, he addresses our sense of self-entitlement and self-seeking tendencies.
You can purchase Beyond The Battle on Amazon.
Positively Energizing Leadership by Kim Cameron:
It can be easy to dismiss the power of positivity in leadership. We need hard facts, that’s not what positivity is about.
However, through research, Cameron has discovered the truth. Positivity impacts leadership in such a way that you cannot ignore it.
Discover the power of positively energized leadership today.
You can purchase Positively Energizing Leadership at Amazon.
A Fight To Forgive by Kevin Ramsby:
I heard Kevin’s story at one of the fantastic storytelling events called Base Camp. Kevin shared how he was brutally attacked by a robber who had broken into his home. He was stabbed 37 times and left for dead.
Thankfully, Kevin didn’t die that day. Instead, he now lives more than ever.
A Fight To Forgive tells Kevin’s story of forgiveness.
This book will help you understand how to turn your hurts and the wrongs you’ve faced into something more significant. This book will move you more than most.
You can purchase A Fight To Forgive on Amazon.
Through Colored Glasses by Tom Harper:
Tom wrote a great fable about the way we see things. Not physically see things but the way we perceive them.
We are easily tricked into thinking our way of thinking is the best. Or that we can do no wrong.
These assumptions are usually wrong.
Tom confronts these challenges in his great fable.
You can purchase Through Colored Glasses at Amazon.
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