5 Great Tools To Boost Your Leadership And Communication Skills

Seth Rollins once said:

If you’re not learning, then you’re stagnant. If you’re stagnant, then you’re not evolving and the business isn’t progressing. 

I believe Seth was onto something. Great leaders are constantly growing and evolving and progressing. These great leaders know they have to stay on the personal development treadmill to improve themselves and their organizations.

But what tools are out there to make sure you’re evolving? To make sure you’re becoming a better leader? To make your team better?

I’m going to share with you 5 tools that will make you a better leader and your team a better team.

5 Great Tools To Boost Your Leadership And Communication Skills

1. Leadership-In-A-Box:

My friend Nathan Magnuson founded and created Leadership-In-A-Box. This training program gives you a wealth of topics to choose from. You might be interested in:

  • Improving accountability
  • Having difficult conversations
  • Developing others
  • Making decisions
  • Or a host of other topics…

Leadership-In-A-Box covers these topics and more. This fantastic tool will help you and your team grow.

2. Babbel:

Babbel is a great tool to help you improve your communication, especially with those who speak a different language. When you use Babbel, you engage in high-quality language learning. 

Babbel offers various languages you can learn right off the bat. You might have clients that speak:

  • German
  • French
  • Russian
  • Turkish

Or some other language. You want to show them your desire to connect through their native language, so you choose to follow one of the Babbel courses that help you discover the language.

Before you know it, you will be a language master as Babbel goes beyond the typical language teaching and offers you the chance to communicate with others speaking the language.

Discover Babbel here.

3. Fierce:

Fierce offers customers leadership development to take you and your team to the next level. Their training and teachings will transform the way you lead and interact with those in your organization.

They provide quality content. Beyond that, they also help you show your Return On Investment (ROI) in the areas you’re desiring to see growth.

Find more about Fierce here.

4. Torch:

Torch offers a great leadership development plan template that will guide you through a five-week plan that will make you a more successful leader. Their templates will encourage you to do exercises, self-reflection, and give you recommendations for what to do next.

They will also partner with you and your organization to offer expert coaching for you and the individuals you lead. Their work is highly recommended and changes organizations.

Explore Torch here.

5. Personality Assessment Tools:

It’s hard to become the best leader you can be if you don’t know who you are intrinsically. We fumble because we try to be something that we’re not. Why not learn who you are and why you were put in your leadership position?

You can better understand yourself and those you lead by using a host of personality assessment tools. There are a multitude of these kinds of assessments. Some of my favorites include:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Assessment
  • DISC
  • 16 Personality Factor

These tools will help you know yourself, discover who your team is, and grow together.

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