It’s the end of September. That means it is time for another list of book recommendations.
Every month, I am sharing books I think you should read. Whether that’s the coming month or 5 months from now, these books will help you become a better leader.
These book recommendations will be a mix of personal development, leadership development, and more. Check them out and see what you think.
5 Books Leaders Should Read In October 2020
Mastering The Game: What Video Games Can Teach Us About Success In Life by Jon D. Harrison:
Jon’s a man after my own heart. He sees life and leadership lessons in all aspects of life. His sweet spot is video games.
He’s able to look at a video game and extract life lessons out of them. You will be surprised by what you can learn from a video game!
Don’t discount this book because of the way it presents lessons. After all, I share Reel Leadership lessons. Why not lessons from video games?
Mentoring Moments With Myself: Letters to My Younger Self about Life, Faith, Love, and Leadership by Michelle Hoverson:
I received Michelle’s book to read and review. The premise sounded interesting enough. She has written letters to her younger self. In these letters, she shares insights into things she will go through in life.
I love the idea behind the book. She is able to look at her life experiences and share what she went through. She then shares these in a “letter” to her former self.
While Michelle’s younger self cannot read these letters there is someone who can. YOU!
Michelle’s letters are interesting and make you wonder about her life. It also helps you to clarify things you’re going through. Her letters tell us we’re not the only one going through issues.
Let Michelle take you on a journey through her life but also on a journey of discovering yourself.
Stand Out!: Become a Young Professional Who Wins at Work and Life by Nathan Magnuson:
In his latest book, Nathan shares on a soft spot of his. He has a soft spot for young professionals. Especially the ones who believe they can change the world. He believes they can change the world. That is why they need to STAND OUT.
He shares how young professionals can become the kind of person they desire to be. That you desire to be.
Nathan lets readers know they can win AT HOME and AT WORK. There’s no reason you can’t.
The Freak Factor: Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness by David Rendall:
I discovered David through a local Chamber Of Commerce event. He was the keynote speaker and presented throughout the whole day.
His idea was simple: We see weakness wrong. Weakness isn’t something to be ashamed of. Rather, weakness is a key to your strength.
His words convinced me. Reading his book, even more so.
If you’re looking for a way to maximize your weakness, check out The Freak Factor.
The Vision Driven Leader: 10 Questions to Focus Your Efforts, Energize Your Team, and Scale Your Business by Michael Hyatt:
Having a clear, compelling vision–and getting buy-in from your team–is essential to effective leadership. If you don’t know where you’re going, how on earth will you get there? But how do you craft that vision? How do you get others onboard? And how do you put that vision into practice at every level of your organization?
In The Vision Driven Leader, New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt offers six tools for crafting an irresistible vision for your business, rallying your team around the vision, and distilling it into actionable plans that drive results. Based on Michael’s 40 years of experience as an entrepreneur and executive, backed by insights from organizational science and psychology, and illustrated by case studies and stories from multiple industries, The Vision Driven Leader takes you step-by-step from why to what and then how. Your business will never be the same.
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