Why Many Leaders Failed To Prepare For The COVID-19 Crisis

We never know when a crisis will hit. Something that will rock us to the core. Something that may even shutter the doors of our organization.

COVID-19 showed us how ill-prepared many businesses were when it comes to a time of crisis.

Woman looking down in a black and white photo

Photo by Ewelina Karezona Karbowiak

During the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve seen business leaders scramble to create a plan. To save their businesses. To help their team members.

There was no crisis plan in place. There was nothing to help leaders navigate through the coming crisis. For many, the crisis blindsided them.

The question that now has to be asked is: Why did so many leaders fail to prepare for the COVID-19 (or any) crisis?

Why Many Leaders Failed To Prepare For The COVID-19 Crisis

I’ve sought out the answer to this question. I’ve studied what other leaders have said about preparing for crisis. And I’ve asked those I respect their opinion on this topic.

The Business Build: How To Go Further

This is a contributed article. See our Guest Posting guidelines to learn more about contributed content.

Businesses haven’t got it easy at the moment. Covid-19 has literally shut down dozens of businesses, and the threat of the slow easing of lockdown means there isn’t quite light at the end of the tunnel yet. Indeed, there seems to be a general consensus that there is going to be a global recession which will also of course impact businesses all over. You need to try and anticipate this as best you can and lead your business through the trouble. This might mean branching out into new areas while pulling back in others. All businesses are different, and all industries face separate problems. These are some tips that can help you, but the real research will be completed by you focusing on your industry.

Thinking Small To Lead Through A Crisis

Bang! A crisis hits and your mind begins to race with the possibilities.

You try to run through every possible outcome in your mind. Most of them ending in disaster. Then there’s the master plan. The one that has all its ducks in a row and you come out with your hands raised high like Rocky.

In your mind, you have all of the plans in place. Each piece fits perfectly.

Man sitting on a concrete bench

Photo by Matthew Henry

Yet, in real life, we know this rarely works. Our big picture planning for a crisis leads us to despair and depression.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There’s a better way to lead through the crisis than having all of the answers. I want to suggest we think small to lead through a crisis.

Brand Storytelling: What Is It & How Can It Help Your Business?

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Once Upon a Time, there was a humble merchant with a simple dream. They wanted nothing more than to make people happy. The merchant enjoyed making friends with their customers and took their commitment to the customer seriously. They cared about quality, and they cared about value. But most of all they valued the friendships that they enjoyed with the customers who came back to them time and time again. But after a while, the merchant noticed that fewer and fewer of their customers were coming back. And the faithful few that did were buying fewer and fewer things. The merchant knew that something needed to change. Or they would be out of business, and destitute. But how could they win back those fickle masses and gain their own little piece of a happily ever after?’

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Groundhog Day

A Reel Leadership Article

Many of us out there may feel like we’ve been repeating the same day over and over again since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Layoffs, lounging around the house, and rinse and repeat…

The days can begin to blend together. My friends and I joke about it but it can be a drain.

If you’ve ever watched the 1933 comedy Groundhog Day (pick up your copy on Amazon), you know the pain Bill Murray’s Phil felt. The alarm clock sounds, you wake up, you do the same things. Heck… even your normal, daily routine could feel like Groundhog Day.

Bill Murray and a groundhog in Groundhog Day

This is one of the reasons I recently watched Groundhog Day on Netflix. I wanted to bring a little bit of laughter to my life but I also wanted to see a movie I could sympathize with now. And I could…