Is It Time To Change The Soundtrack Of Your Life?

Research tells us that by this point in the year over 80% of people have given up on their New Year’s resolution. The resolutions, the goals people have set have been given up.

Stop the negative soundtrack playing in your life

Maybe you’re in the same boat. You resolved to lose 30 pounds by June. You weighed yourself and you’re up 3 pounds. So you give up. Or maybe you decided to learn how to play guitar. It’s now February 21 and you haven’t touched the guitar. You’ve given up. Or maybe you wanted to read 36 books in 2018. You’ve only read one and you feel it’s too late to catch up. So you’ve stopped reading.

For each of these failures, you’ve begun to play a soundtrack in your mind. A soundtrack of negativity.

36 Leadership Lessons From 36 Years Of Life

Today marks the 36th time I’ve orbited the sun. That’s right, February 16th is my birthday!

I wanted to do something special for my birthday. I wanted to give you guys a gift. That gift is 36 leadership lessons I’ve learned over the course of my life.

life and leadership lessons on my birthday

Image by Evan Rummel

I hope you’ll enjoy these. Some of these leadership lessons are fun, other leadership lessons are serious. They’re all valuable though.

36 Leadership Lessons From 36 Years Of Life

1. Make friends:

Leadership can be lonely. But leadership is lonely only if you let it be. Make friends with people and your time in leadership will be much more enjoyable.

2. Know when to quit leading:

Leadership is a temporary position. There will come a day when you are no longer leading where you’ve been leading. Know when it’s time to hang up the leadership cap at your current position.

What Valentine’s Day Can Teach Us About Leadership

Let me be up-front. I’m not a very romantic guy. You can ask my wife… She’ll tell you that I’m not. I’m okay with that.

When I asked, okay, told her, we were getting married it was while we were sitting on a couch talking. I randomly brought up the notion of marriage. When she said she supposed we were going to get married one day, I told her to pick a date of arbitrary dates in December. That’s how our unofficial proposal went.

What can Valentine's Day teach us about leadership?

Image by Joe Cavazos

I think I made it up to her when I took her to a local horse ranch for a sleigh ride. The coachman of the sleigh ride got off of the sleigh, asked if we’d like to have our picture taken (I’d of course forgotten to bring a camera!), and said he’d go check up ahead for any issues with the trail. As he walks away, my wife begins to worry the frail, old man would have trouble and fall into a hole.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Paul: Apostle Of Christ Movie

I recently was invited to an advance screening of the new Christian movie Paul: Apostle Of Christ. Paul: Apostle Of Christ shares the last days of Paul as he and Luke spend time together in Mamertine Prison and Luke writes down Paul’s story.

Jim Caviezel as Luke the Physician In Paul Apostle Of Christ Leadership Lessons

Paul: Apostle Of Christ is a moving story for any Christian and could be a powerful tool to introduce others to Christ and His love for them. I highly recommend you check out this great new Christian movie.

Not only will you find faith and hope in Paul: Apostle Of Christ, you will take away many leadership lessons from Paul: Apostle Of Christ.

Caution: Paul: Apostle Of Christ spoilers below.


Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Paul: Apostle Of Christ

1. Bad leaders place blame on the wrong people:

Paul: Apostle Of Christ takes place around 67 A.D. At this time, Rome was set ablaze.

3 Things Every Leader Needs To Remember When Leading Others

It’s easy when you’ve been leading for a long time to forget the simple things of leadership. You let the basic tenants of leadership slip your mind and you begin to fall into bad habits.

You fail to treat others with respect. You believe to take rather than give. And you think you’ll be there forever.

Remember these things leaders

This happens when you forget to remember 3 things as you lead…

3 Things Every Leader Needs To Remember When Leading Others

1. Leadership is about treating others with respect: A huge trap leaders can fall into is the trap of thinking less of those you lead.

They’re being led for a reason, right? That’s the thought that goes through a leader’s mind as they begin to forget they need to treat those they lead with respect.

If you find yourself treating others with anything less than respect, check yourself. Go apologize. And correct your behavior.