Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Wind River

After watching Wind River, I’m in shock. The movie starring Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye in the Avengers) and Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlett Witch in Captain America: Civil War) has to be one of the best movies of 2017.

Wind River tells the story of Renner’s character Cory Lambert as he helps track the murderer of a young Indian girl on the reservation. The story takes twists and turns you may not see coming. In the end, Wind River left me breathless.

Leadership lessons and quotes from Wind River

With all of that, I wanted to take a look at the leadership lessons found in Wind River.

Caution: Wind River spoilers below


Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Wind River

1. Lead with excellence:

Cory Lambert’s job was to hunt predators. Wind River opens with Cory hunting a pack of wolves that were stalking the local’s sheep. He took a couple of shots with his hunting rifle and cleared the threat.

You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing

What Are You Giving Back?

Genesis 12:2 shares an insight into what God was doing in Abram’s life. He told Abram “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

There’s something interesting in this verse. God told Abram that He was going to bless Abram and Abram would then become a blessing to others.

Your blessings are there for a reason

Image by Joel Malm

I’m sure Abram was still a blessing to others before he received the blessing from God yet change was brought about when Abram was blessed. He was then able to be a blessing.

You Are Blessed

If you live in the United States of America, you are blessed. Even if you’re in the poor house, you have blessings people in other countries would kill for.

My Biggest Leadership Pet Peeve

Pet peeves are a funny thing. What bothers one person doesn’t bother another. Yet we all have pet peeves. We even have leadership pet peeves.

Leadership pet peeves are the things you see other leaders doing that bother you. You know, like the leader that:

Disrespects his team members

Chooses money over morals

Treats others as object

We all have leadership pet peeves

You get the drift. Leadership pet peeves are those things that bother you when other leaders do them.

I have my own leadership pet peeves. And today, I’d like to share with you my biggest leadership pet peeve.

My Biggest Leadership Pet Peeve

I have a passion for serving others. I believe serving others is the best way to lead.

It not only shows you have respect for those you’re leading. Being a servant leader also shows you haven’t grown too big for your own britches.

Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Disney’s The Lion King

The Lion King may be the greatest Disney animated film of all time. After re-watching The Lion King for the umpteenth time, I felt The Lion King deserved the Reel Leadership treatment.

quotes and leadership lessons from The Lion King

The story of young Sima (Jonathan Tyler Thomas) and his struggle to return to his rightful place as king of his homeland contains plenty of leadership lessons if you were to look for them. In today’s Reel Leadership article, we’ll look at the leadership lessons from The Lion King and what they mean to you.


Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Disney’s The Lion King

1. People honor great leaders:

In the opening scenes of The Lion King, animals from far and wide gather together to honor Mufasa (James Earl Jones) and the birth of his son Simba. The animals knew something great had happened and they wanted to be there to honor the King of the Jungle. Their presence showed their respect to Mufasa.

The Fastest Way To Lose Your Audience

You’ve spent a lot of time and energy on building up an audience. Whether that’s in the office, through a blog, within a church, or another type of organization your work hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Over the years, you’ve gained traction. You’ve seen new readers come to your blog. You’ve seen your business grow. Or maybe you’ve gained more influence within the office environment.

Then something happened. People stopped listening. They stopped following you.

You lost your audience.

here's how you lose your audience

Image by Evan Rummel

Losing Your Audience Sucks

Yeah, you heard me. Losing your audience sucks. Especially after all of the time and energy you put into your work.

You crafted perfect blog posts. You worked your tail off to get where you are. And you rose through the ranks to new heights.

Then it all came crashing down.