Go Waste Your Day

Our time is valuable. We all get that.

We also know we have a limited amount of time every day. We all get 24 hours or 1,440 minutes or 86,600 seconds.

Once those are gone, the day is done, never to be repeated again.

It's okay to waste your day

Image by JD Hancock

Because of this, we’re often told we need to make the most of each day. We’ve got to pack it with as much activity as we can muster.

It’s the way of productivity. It’s the way of the successful. It’s the way of the wise.

Waste The Day

It’s also the way of the dull. The boring. The stickler.

No one actually counts each second of their day. Few account for every minute they have.

Regardless of what people share online, we need to spend time wasting our days away once in awhile.

Top Posts And Commenters For January 2016

Anyone else amazed at how quickly the new year started off? It seems like yesterday I was ringing in the new year with my wife, my parents, and a couple of my siblings.

Now, we’re off and into February. And, for me, this month is only going to increase momentum. I’ve got a lot planned and hope you do as well.

most used words in January 2016

Top Posts

1. 10 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Intern

2. 20 Encouraging Bible Verses For Young Leaders

3. 25 Leadership Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

4. Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Creed

5. 17 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Pixar’s Inside Out

6. 9 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Burnt

7. 16 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Big Hero 6

8. 15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Maze Runner

9. 13 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Bridge Of Spies

13 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Finest Hours

A Reel Leadership Article

February 1952 saw what is considered the greatest small-boat rescue in history. A disastrous winter storm hit the East Coast, damaging an oil tanker and ripping it in half.

The United States Coast Guard is sent in for a small-boat rescue.

What comes next is unbelievable but true. The grit and determination of these Coast Guard men can teach all of us a lesson or two.

Why I Want To See The Finest Hours

From the first preview, I was hooked. I knew The Finest Hours was a movie to see.


First, I live close to the only city officially designated as Coast Guard City. This was done by an act of congress and signed into law by President Clinton.

Second, I love epic movies about real life events. Knowing what happened in The Finest Hours was based on true events made me want to watch it even more.