The Best Advice John C. Maxwell Ever Received

I’m currently in Atlanta, GA live blogging the Catalyst Conference. During this time, I’ll be dropping the leadership wisdom shared by the amazing speaker lineup.

John C. Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold more than 18 million books. Dr. Maxwell is the founder of EQUIP, a non-profit organization that has trained more than 5 million leaders in 126 countries worldwide. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek best-selling author, Maxwell has written three books that have sold more than a million copies. He recently released the book Intentional Living.

Best Advice John Maxwell Received

Ministry Isn’t In The Church

John Maxwell pastored in the church for 25 years and then left his pastoral position to begin working in the business world.

Those in the church began wondering why he would leave the ministry. His answer:

I didn’t leave the ministry. I am IN the ministry.

Lessons In Innovation From Guy Kawasaki

I’m currently in Atlanta, GA live blogging the Catalyst Conference. During this time, I’ll be dropping the leadership wisdom shared by the amazing speaker lineup.

Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva, an online graphic design tool. He is on the board of Wikimedia Foundation board of trustees and an executive fellow of the Haas School of Business (UC Berkeley). He is also the author of The Art of the Start 2.0, The Art of Social Media, Enchantment, and nine other books. Kawasaki has a BA from Stanford University, an MBA from UCLA, as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College.

How to be innovative by Guy Kawasaki

Lessons In Innovation

  1. Great innovation occurs when people decide to make meaning: People are drawn to meaning. Without it, it’s hard to be innovative.
  2. Make a mantra: Create a 2 to 3-word phrase that people can get behind. Keep it short and sweet.

How To Awaken The Wonder In Your Life

I’m currently in Atlanta, GA live blogging the Catalyst Conference. During this time, I’ll be dropping the leadership wisdom shared by the amazing speaker lineup.

A dynamic pastor and speaker, Chris Brown joined the Dave Ramsey team in 2014 to carry the message of stewardship and intentional living to churches across the country.

We can awaken the wonder

Wonder Is An Amazing Thing

Kids experience wonder all the time. Entering a packed arena for the first time. Getting the longed-for present. Wonder is present in children all the time.

Now, what about adults? We fail to experience wonder like children.

We still do… It’s just not like when we were kids.

What Robs Us Of Wonder?

As we get older, life creeps up on us. Along with WORRY.

Worry begins to rob us of wonder…

We wonder:

Where the next paycheck is coming from

You Can Hold Others Back – Catalyst 2015 Christine Caine

I’m currently in Atlanta, GA live blogging the Catalyst Conference. During this time, I’ll be dropping the leadership wisdom shared by the amazing speaker lineup.

Christine Caine is a lover of Jesus, wife to Nick, and mum to Catie and Sophie. She travels the globe preaching, teaching, and advocating for justice. Powered by hot, extra-dry, skinny, cappuccinos, Christine is a lover of words who speaks too fast, talks too much, and also writes them down. Christine has authored five books, including Undaunted and her most recent release, UNSTOPPABLE: Running the Race You Were Born to Win. She and her husband Nick have also founded The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization that fights slavery around the globe.

We focus on the giant rather than God

Rise Up And Be Compassionate

We look to the future and see such a sense of vision and purpose. We see what’s coming.

But do you see what’s truly possible?

How Is It Even Possible For Us To Be Aware Of Wonder?

I’m currently in Atlanta, GA live blogging the Catalyst Conference. During this time, I’ll be dropping the leadership wisdom shared by the amazing speaker lineup.

Erwin Raphael McManus is an iconoclast known as a cultural pioneer for his integration of creativity and spirituality. Erwin is a storyteller and observer of life. His writings are an exploration of the human spirit and search for what makes us uniquely human. His newest book, The Artisan Soul, explores life as a work of art and is a Los Angeles Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller.


Stop giving your dreams back to God

Be Aware Of The Wonder

We believe a lie. We believe that there are people who are creative. And then there’s you.

Not creative. Ordinary. Plain.

You’d be wrong to believe this.

You’re more than plain. You’re more than ordinary. You’re able to create!

Think about it.