How to Set Your Own Goals and Reach Great Results

Goal-setting is the key to great things. But the goal is the end game and it doesn’t mean that once you’ve set it you’re done. You have to take into account what you have to do to actually reach the goal you’ve set.

So, how do you set your goals? And how do you make sure that you’re able to achieve it?

What goals are you setting?

Image By Mark Kaminski

Be SMART about it

Ask any management book – goals and objectives should be SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Any “goal” that does not meet these criteria is simply a dream or a wish.

Take these for example:

I want to travel the world someday.

I want to travel the world starting with Europe on March 2016.

The Advice I’d Give To My 5 Year Old Self

Time flies. Before you know it, you’ve reached your 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. You’ll often wonder where the years went.

I know I do. I look back and wonder how I got to where I’m at today.

It seems like just yesterday that I was a 5 year old boy, having the time of his life.

What would you tell your 5 year old self?

When you’re 5 years old, there’s not much you have to worry about. Your mom and dad take care of food and shelter. There’s always someone to play ball or run around the neighborhood with.

You’ve got it all covered. Or so you think.

Looking back, there’s advice I’d give to my 5 year old self.

Be kinder: You never know the struggles people are going through. The mean boy who hit you may not have a dad at home.

Is Fear Holding You Back?

The last couple of years I’ve had a fascination with most things aviation. From planes (I jumped out of a plane and would still like to learn how to pilot a plane) to helicopters (RC helicopters and quadcopters), I’m drawn to things that fly.

These inventions that can defy gravity. They can move about in the sky unhindered. It’s absolutely fascinating.

This quadcopter made me fearful

That’s why I purchased a quadcopter I could fly outside. I wanted to take something airborne and fly.

After much research, I chose the DJI Phantom Vision 2 quadcopter. It’s a beauty.

When you fire her up, the sounds of her blades become intimidating. You can literally feel the power you have in your hands.

And yet I’m scared to fly the quadcopter.

The investment was hefty. The controls are easy but you can easily get confused. And when you crash it you feel like you’re toasting tons of cash.

10 Ways To Become An Approachable Leader

We’ve all been subject to the leader who wasn’t approachable. And that made our jobs miserable.

That’s why we’ve got to be aware of what makes a leader approachable. We’ve also got to implement the actions of approachable leaders.

The keys to approachability are here

Image by JD Hancock

What Is An Approachable Leader?

This is a million dollar question. What makes a leader approachable? What does an approachable leader do?

Approachable leaders take a different kind of approach to leadership than those concerned about appearance or fame. They know leadership goes deeper than the surface.

Approachable leaders are leaders you feel comfortable going to. This type of leader makes you realize he is there for you. He’s ready to listen and hear you out.

This is what an approachable leader is.

The Power Of Being Still

We live in a busy world. Constant ads bombard us with things we need to obtain and places we need to go. Not to mention the constant emails and text messages that dictate our day.

Are you feeling me? You know what I’m talking about here, right?

You can be still in a hectic world

Image via Rama V

The world is constantly pulling us in every direction possible. Our days are so filled there’s no time to relax or be still.

With so much going on, we don’t want to stop. We want to be in constant motion. We want to feel like we’re making progress.

But I’ve found that through all the chaotic motion in our lives, we rarely find the time to be still.

The Allure Of Stillness

Stillness doesn’t sound exciting or thrilling. There’s no action moving us forward like there is in playing a game of football or chatting with friends.