What’s Your Plan For The New Year?

Tick tock. Tick tock. That’s the sound of 2014 coming to an end and 2015 starting.

Today’s the last day of the year. I truly can’t believe it’s already time to welcome in another year.

Are you ready to welcome in the new year? Do you have a plan in place to make 2015 the best year ever?

If not, you’re running low on time but it’s okay. You can still have a plan for the new year and rock it out.

Why Having A Plan Is A Good Idea

You know of people who complain that they experience the same situations over and over again. These people have fallen into a trap and can’t seem to get out.

Do you know why? The number one reason people don’t make a change is because they haven’t planned on making a change.

15 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Unbroken

A Reel Leadership Article

Unbroken is the real life story of Louis Zamperini, Zamperini was a troubled youth who channeled his mischief into the energy he needed to become an Olympic runner.

Sadly, his time in the spotlight as a runner was cut short with the start of World War 2 and his call to become an airman in the military.

In May 1943, a tragic accident happened during a flight to rescue another group of soldiers. Zamperini’s plane crashed into the ocean. There, the surviving crew did what they could to survive for a grueling 47 days lost at sea.

This story was first recounted in the book, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. Now, comes the movie based on the book…

leadership lessons from Unbroken

My wife and I took some time this weekend to catch the war story given the Hollywood treatment.

Honestly, I was more than a little apprehensive.

How To Conquer A Fear

Fear is a killer of dreams. We will see something that scares us and we’ll turn tail and run or fight.

Psychologists call this the fight or flight mentality. We have an innate desire to get away from scary things.

Fear confines you, conquer your fear

Image by Laura Lewis

And yet we all want to get over our fears. We want to know that we’re not ruled by the things that scare us.

But it’s so hard to conquer our fears. Fear tells us we’re not going to make it. Fear tells us we’re going to fail. Fear tells us we’re not good enough.

I’m here to tell you that fear is a liar. Fear can, and must, be conquered.

My Fear

Let me be transparent for a moment. I have fear. Many fears in fact.

One of my biggest fears has been public speaking and creating videos to help others.

Wishing You A Merry Christmas

I wanted to take a quick moment and wish each of you, my readers, a very Merry Christmas today.

Today is a day for celebration. A savior was born. We no longer live under condemnation.

It’s also a day to reflect on what we’re grateful for and to spend time with friends and family.

I hope you do that. Get off the computer. Shut off your phone. Spend time with loved ones.

There’s also a special video I wanted to share with you. A special video wishing you a Merry Christmas from yours truly.

Stop Shutting Out Those You Disagree With

Go back to yesterday, you probably dealt with someone you disagreed with. Or maybe tomorrow at Christmas dinner, you’re going to be confronted with a family member who shares his dissenting viewpoints.

Let’s face it. Every day we encounter people we don’t agree with.

Our gut reaction is to shut out people who disagree with us. We don’t want to hear their opposing views.

But we’re losing out when we shut out those who we disagree with. We’re missing an opportunity to engage and learn about someone else.

That’s why I want to talk about why we need to stop shutting out those you disagree with.

Don't let disagreements destroy relationships

Image by Daniel Reid

No one out there can honestly say they don’t have a viewpoint someone else may find offensive or disagreeable. Every person thinks in a unique way that may rub another person wrong.