How To Deal With A Leadership Transition

One thing in life is guaranteed. Things will change.

We grow older. We move away. We get married. Life changes.

Leadership changes as well. There are times when a leader shifts position or moves away from the organization completely. When this happens, we need to know how to deal with a leadership transition.

Image by Dave Huth

Image by Dave Huth

Our church has experienced quite a bit of leadership transition over the past couple of years. We believed our senior pastor was transitioning to a new role and our assistant pastor was going to step in and fill the lead pastor position. Things changed and this didn’t happen.

Then our youth pastor, whom I’ve served as a youth leader for over 10 years, stepped down. He transitioned into a full-time music minister and head of the Wednesday night services. And now he’s moved into a position of lead pastor at another church.

7 Leadership Lessons Learned From A Recreational Softball League

This year I reluctantly played on a recreational softball league with my coworkers. It’s not something I wanted to do but I joined anyways. I played a few games knowing it would be a great way to connect with my coworkers and get a bit of exercise.

Let me start off by telling you why there was reluctance to join the team. This goes back to my childhood and our local Little League baseball system.

The baseball field was basically in our backyard. I could look over our fence and see the baseball field. The concession stand. The playground equipment. It was a wonderland.

Until I joined the baseball team. Then it became a place of dread.

I’ll be the first to admit. I wasn’t the best ball player. No siree. I pretty much stunk.

You’re A Leader, Stop Waiting

Do you remember when you were younger and in a situation where an adult wasn’t around? Those times would either be really good or really bad.

Growing up I was taught about leadership and even saw it demonstrated in my home but during those times when no leader was around, I was as bad as everybody else.

Image by Mo Riza

Image by Mo Riza

There were times though when I knew I should step up and be the leader, be the voice of reason in all the chaos but I told myself that no one left me in charge.

Part of me just wanted to be “cool” like everyone else but another part of me was waiting to be told that I could be and was a leader.

Fast forward to today and too many of us are still waiting to be “picked.” To be told that we’re leaders instead of actually leading.

Learning From Leadership Quotes

One of my favorite things to do is collect quotes that ring true to me. I’ll scribble it down in a notebook, paste it into an email, or post it on my Facebook page. A couple of years ago I discovered Evernote.

Since this time, I’ve amassed an even larger amount of quotes. They’re leadership quotes, personal development quotes, relationship quotes, and more.

I believe we can learn a lot from the quotes of leaders that have come before us. These leaders are full of wisdom. It becomes our responsibility to learn from them.

That’s been a driving force behind the collection of quotes I’ve recorded. Today, I’d like to share what I’ve learned from some of the leadership quotes I’ve saved for myself.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
— Arthur Ashe, Tennis Player

Top Posts And Commenters For June 2013

Can you believe it’s already July? Our year is already half over and Christmas is now less than 6 months away.

For me, the year has flown by. I’m working towards my goals. How about you?

With that, it’s time to check out the happenings at Quite a bit has happened and there’s still some items being decided on. I hope you’re ready to read the June 2013 recap.

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