I’ve Never Done This Before

I’ve never done this before are words we utter far too often. We feed ourselves the lie that we can’t accomplish something because we’ve never attempted it before.

We put dreams on hold. We stop challenging ourselves. We begin living complacent lives.

All because of 5 words we’ve given power over our lives.

Lock on door

Image by Wetsun

The Lie

When we begin telling ourselves we’ve never done something before, it begins to limit our potential. The lie tells us we’re inexperienced. Not needed. Or it’s too dangerous for us.

Instead of using I’ve never done this before as a reason to experience new adventures in life, we use it as a crutch to avoid the attempt. And possibility of failure.

It’s really an excuse to cover our fears.

“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”
— Dan Brown

Top Posts And Commenters For January 2013

Wow! The first month of 2013 has already passed us by. It seems like the month flew by.

I hope your year has been off to a great start. Don’t worry if it hasn’t though. There’s always today and tomorrow.

January Wordle

Image via Wordle.net

Now, let’s jump into the good stuff. Here’s the top posts, top commenters, and statistics I know you look forward to each month.

Top Posts

  1. The 20 Mile March (1-4-12)
  2. Sometimes The Grass Really Is Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence (5-14-12)
  3. Gain Influence By Telling Better Stories (1-14-13)
  4. Leadership Insights: Interview With Brad Lomenick (1-7-13)
  5. Should You Be An Empathic Leader? (1-9-13)
  6. 5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From An Exchange Server Failure (1-4-13)
  7. Great Leaders Do This (1-28-13)
  8. Why I Lead (1-30-13)
  9. It’s Not About Making A Point (1-18-13)
  10. Casting A Leadership Shadow (1-23-13)