Leadership Insights: Interview With Brad Lomenick

Recently, I had the pleasure of connecting with Brad Lomenick. He’s the Grand Poobah, as his podcast partner Ken Coleman calls him, of the Catalyst Leadership Conference.

Brad Lomenick Headshot

Brad’s work has included 5 years at Life@Work Magazine and management consulting with Cornerstone Group. He’s also ridden horses for a living in Colorado. This man has a wide berth of experience. He’s also the author of the soon to be released book The Catalyst Leader.

I hope you’re ready to go deep. Brad really brought it during this interview.

Q1: Brad, could you please share a little about the work Catalyst does and your role with the company?

BL: Catalyst gathers Christian leaders to inspire and equip them to truly be Catalysts in their communities. My role is to lead the organization and provide strategy, vision, brand development, and programming oversight.

5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From An Exchange Server Failure

You ever have one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days? The kind that destroys your confidence and rattles you to the core?

I did recently. It started with a phone call on a Monday night.

It all happened because my career is in the computer repair field. I fix computers and keep them up and running.

This one Monday night I get a phone call from my boss and he tells me we experienced a power failure but the servers were still up. No big deal. I log into the remote desktop and everything seemed okay.

Tuesday morning I learned something bad had happened. We’re no longer receiving emails. In our business, this is a crisis. So I entered into crisis mode.

I snooped around our servers and didn’t see anything out of place. Next was a call to our technology solutions provider. They’re always there for us in a pinch.

Top Posts And Commenters For December 2012

Holy cow! The year 2012 is now behind us and we’re open to a world of possibilities in 2013. Can you believe it?

I hope you’re prepared and ready to go into this new year. It’s going to be amazing!

December 2012 Wordle

Image via Wordle.net

2012 was a great year for JMLalonde.com. The blog saw a satisfying amount of growth. Great relationships were formed with people like Kimanzi Constable, Alana Mokma, Dan Black, and more. I’m excited to see what 2013 will bring.

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