The Importance Of Discovering The Proper Motivation

We’ve all seen what happens when we have the wrong motivations.

Great companies fall. Bankers rip off their investors. Shoddy products are produced. Employees are treated poorly.

This is why you must discover the proper motivations for the projects you undertake.

Falling into the improper motivations can be easy. We’re drawn to the quick and easy. To what benefits us the most.

When we focus on these motivators, we will never achieve our full potential.

Instead, we need to find the proper motivations. Motivations that are not self-serving but other-serving.


When all is said and done, this world isn’t about you or me. It’s about US. What we’re doing to serve the world and make it a better place.

Think about it. When do you feel most satisfied?

When you:

Think Inside The Box

A favorite saying of many leaders is “Think outside the box.” Meaning that we should look for a solution that wouldn’t normally be on our radar.

That’s all good an well. But have you ever thought that you should think inside of the box?

Box People

Image by Sindy

What Is Thinking Inside Of The Box?

Thinking inside of the box takes into account your strengths and what you’re good at. It could also be looking at your weaknesses. Sometimes your weakness can be a strength.

Look at your normal patterns of thought. Where do they lead? What are they showing you?

That’s your box! It’s unique to you.

Your talents. Your skills. Your ideas.

Put all of those together and you’ve got something great.

Why You Should Think Inside The Box

We’ve been told for so long that we need to look for ideas that are outside of our comfort zone. It will create brilliant solutions.

Who You Were Created To Be

Who’s your hero? The one person you wish you could be?

Is it your father? A role model? An athlete?

I’m sure there’s at least one person you could think of. There’s many people who pop into my mind.

Michael Hyatt, Dan Miller, Dave Ramsey, and a handful of other guys.


That’s all fine and good. We need to have positive role models to look up to. People who will pour into our lives and help us grow.

Problems arise when we begin to emulate everything they do. And when we desire to become them.


“But there’s so many great things about our role models,” you may say. True, true, and true.

They’re great people. They’re doing great things. They might even be saving babies.

However, you weren’t created to be Brendan Brouchard or Michael Hyatt. Not even close.

You Don’t Need More Of This

We often set goals for ourselves and fail. Goals such as losing 10 pounds, writing a best selling book, or being a better spouse. We fail…

We also blame it on a lack of self discipline. Claiming we need more of it. That’s a lie.

We don’t need more self discipline. We already have it.

Lego man working out

Image by Pascal

Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at where we are already self disciplined.

  • We go to work on time
  • We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • We put ourselves to bed
  • We use the bathroom
  • We take care of our family
  • We pay bills

Sometimes we don’t want to do these tasks. They’re not fun. But we do them anyways.


Because YOU have self discipline. You’ve trained yourself to do the tasks that need to be done.

Top Posts And Commenters For October 2012

We’re closing in on the end of the year. Amazing how quickly the months have flown by.

I hope you’ve experienced great growth so far this year and are looking forward to closing out the year having seen great progress.

With that, it’s time to review October 2012.

Top Posts

  1. Sometimes The Grass Really Is Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence (5/14/2012)
  2. Book Review: How To Win Friends And Influence Others By Dale Carnegie (12/14/2011)
  3. What Can Twenty Seconds Of Insane Courage Do For You (3/16/2012)
  4. The 20 Mile March (1/04/2012)
  5. The Absolute Worse Question You Could Ever Ask (10/12/2012)
  6. Why I’ve Started To Read Fiction Again (10/08/2012)
  7. What To Do When You Hit A Brick Wall (10/10/2012)
  8. 10 Bad Leadership Traits You Need To Avoid (7/09/2012)
  9. Danger Must Be Known Before Fear Can Be Felt (10/15/2012