Why Smart People Make Lousy Leaders

This is a guest post by Mike Holmes. Mike Holmes is the Founder of Tithehacker.org. The purpose of the site is to increase the financial literacy of the Body of Christ. Mike used the principles of Tithing and Stewardship to tithing from unemployment checks to a 6-figure-income. Feel free to check out a free resource: “What is Tithing: The Definitive Guide “They” Don’t Want You to Have.

When Swedish industrialist and International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) founder Gunnar Olson started his first company, in his words, he was a yo-yo Christian. When things were great he was ecstatic, when things were down he was depressed. Also he was super-spiritual, so when sales were down he would fast and pray.

It was the smart thing to do.

Child walking in the road

Image by Nina Williams

On the last day of a 14 day fast he received a call from a woman whose wisdom and insight he highly respected.

How A Healthy Community Can Help Your Potential Explode

Too often we think of ourselves as ineffective and weak. We cannot change the world. Or so we think.

So we go about our ordinary, everyday lives. Waiting for that moment of greatness.

I’ve got news for you and me. Our moment of greatness will not come from sitting on the couch, by ourselves, twiddling our thumbs.

It just won’t. We weren’t created for individual greatness. We were created for community. We were created to feed off of each other. We were created to be great together.

This is first shown in the Bible with Adam and Eve. They were created for each other. To rule over the land.

We’re also shown this in Genesis 11:5-8.

Here we find the story of the tower of Babel.

Top Posts and Commenters For August 2012

We’re a few days into September and closer to a new season. How was your summer?

With this change, it’s time to do a blog review of August.

August Wordle

Image courtesy of Wordle.net


  1. What Can 20 Seconds Of Insane Courage Do For You?
  2. Stop Being Late
  3. The Difference Between Knowing And Taking Action
  4. The Power Of Connecting With Like Minded People
  5. The Overlooked Skill
  6. Using Obstacles To Become Great
  7. 3 Areas You Can Upgrade Your Memory
  8. Book Review – Spark by Jason Jaggard
  9. The Real Reason To Attend A Conference
  10. Calling It Quits

August saw an older post make it’s return. This was due in part to catching an error in my WordPress installation file. With it corrected, the site has now seen it’s pages being indexed by Google.


  1. Dan Black