The Difference Between Knowing And Taking Action

Gaining knowledge is so easy. It’s almost crazy.

We’ve got a wealth of books, seminars, and messages giving us the information we need to succeed. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming.

But we’re able to cram our brains with information and become knowledgeable.


Are you ready to swing the hammer? | Image via Creative Commons

That’s all well and good. We’re becoming smarter. We’re becoming experts.

And yet that is not enough.

There’s a difference between knowledge and taking action. They’re worlds apart.

Knowledge is filling your mind with new information.

Reading a new book. Going to the business class. Listening to the latest podcast.

Good, good stuff. But you can’t stop there.

But taking action is where it’s at.

We must begin to APPLY that knowledge. Until you do, you’re just a talking head.

3 Areas You Can Upgrade Your Memory

Today, I am writing as a contributor to the Christian Writers Blog Chain. The theme for August is “Memory.” If you are a Christian author or writer, be sure to check out to network with others.


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re trying to recall a business prospect’s name?

It just won’t come to you. You stumble and falter over the name. Trying to hide the fact from him that you can’t remember his name.

Being forgetful is not fun. But there’s hope. You can upgrade your memory!

Brain Image

Image by Andrew Mason

The path to upgrading your memory will not always be easy. There will be times when you get frustrated and want to give up.

I’m here to tell you not to give up! Keep pushing towards the goal of improving your memory. You can do it and I’ll let you know how I’ve done it.

The Overlooked Skill

If you’re in a position of leadership, you often wonder about certain questions.

How’s the company doing? Are we going in the right direction? What difference are we making in the world?

But there’s another question that weighs heavy on the hearts of leaders…

Frustrated Man

Image by Zach Klein

Who should I hire? What traits should a prospective employee have?

The question is never an easy one to answer. Every position requires a different set of skills.

One position may require knowledge of computer coding. Another may require the employee to know how to effectively manage a core team. Still another may require exquisite customer service skills.

It may seem overwhelming searching for someone with the right skill set. And it can be.

And yet the skill set is not the most important thing a prospective employee must have.

Know Your Customer

Imagine walking into your favorite store. The owner greets you by name. Asks how your spouse is doing. Inquires about new events in your life. They get to know their customer.

You’d be pretty impressed, wouldn’t you?

This is the type of service I love to receive from the stores I visit. Personal, friendly, hometown.

There’s two places locally that I receive this type of service.

The first is an old-time candy shop called Lakeside Emporium. It’s run by Gary and Lori. Whenever we walk into the store, a few things happen.

  • We’re greeted by name
  • If my wife is not with me (or I’m not with her) they will ask us where she is and how she’s doing
  • They ask if I want my regular treat. That would be a bear claw for me

Are You Still Raising Your Hand To Use The Bathroom?

Think back to early elementary school. Do you remember what that was like?

You had to ask the teacher before you could do anything.

Before you could get up. Before you could get another sheet of paper. Before you could use the bathroom.

You had to raise your hand…

Young girl with hand raised

Image Via Creative Commons

You then had to hope that the teacher would say that you could use the bathroom. If your prayers were answered and she said  “yes,” you were handed a hall pass that was some hideous, large trinket.

Sometimes the teacher didn’t get to a raised hand in time. That was always a disaster. A classmate’s bladder letting loose and creating a puddle beneath the desk.


To an adult this sounds insane. Why didn’t the child get up and go to the bathroom? Why did he wait until it was too late?