How You Say What You Say Matters

In our minds, we think we know the perfect thing to say. However, we do not always say it the way we imagine it.

I learned that one day while walking with my wife. We were walking past the beach and she mentioned how much she liked the sound of the water. “One day, I would like to live by the water. It would be nice to open the window and hear the water from our house.”

Now, I had a choice in how to respond. I chose the wrong response. I shot back a comment about how much it would cost to live by the lake.

After saying what I said, I knew I messed up. Instead of encouraging my wife to dream, I shot down a dream. It is not what I meant, but it is how it came out.

A Walk In The Woods

I have been doing quite a bit of walking with my wife lately. The walks usually involve walking through our neighborhood in the city. It has been a great time of bonding with my wife.

However, I must say, there is something different about walking through the woods alone. Near my workplace there is a beautiful park/nature preserve called Hofma Preserve and Hofma Park. It offers miles of trails and peacefulness.

During a recent lunch break, I made the decision to go for a walk instead of reading a book or listening to a podcast.

When I go for a walk  I usually fire up the phone and listen to a podcast. This was not the day for that. It was a day to take in nature and the beauty of our world. It was amazing how much refreshment this walk brought to my day.

How to be a leader at your job


Image via Wikipedia

My brother-in-law has recently started work at a factory. His work includes long hours, hard work, and repetitive work.

At a family dinner, he described the working conditions. He arrives at the factory and went to work manufacturing the parts he was assigned. Halfway through manufacturing the parts, he has a co-worker approach him.

This coworker told him he needed to slow down. The factory did not have enough material to make it through the whole shift and if he did not slow down there would be no work left.

An hour before the end of another shift, workers started to clean up the shop floors. When one worker finished sweeping the floor, another worker followed behind and swept the area again.

In another instance, a worker dipped his mop into a bucket of coolant. He proceeded to mop the floor with a mop covered in coolant. Once a mess was made, he went and mopped up the mess.

Is Your Charity Hurting Others?

Image: Aleksandr Kutsayev /

Imagine it is Christmas time. You know of a mother and a father who cannot provide presents for their three children.

Knowing this, you decide to purchase presents for each of the three children. You have wrapped the presents and you know the kids will love the presents you picked out.

After wrapping the presents, you hand them over to the parents who take them and put them under the tree.

You have done a good deed and feel good. You have helped provide for three children that needed to have a wonderful Christmas.

It is now Christmas morning. The kids are excited as they see presents under the tree. They know there is something good waiting for them under the tree. As the kids are tearing into the presents, the mother sits and watches tensely but the father wanders off into the kitchen or bedroom. The father just could not stand to be in the room as the kids opened the presents.

Life is short

Window at Parish Church of St Peter, Frampton ...

Image by DanieVDM via Flickr

This is not the post I had planned to publish today. However, this has been heavy on my heart today…

Monday, I was reminded once again how brief life is.

Last year, a fellow youth leader had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Shortly after, he stepped back from the youth group. We thought he was doing well. That was not the case.

He was diagnosed with Carcinosarcoma cancer 8 days ago.

At approximately 5am September 7th, 2011 Steve passed away. He was only 54.

It seems far too young for a man to die.

However, he lived a life worthy of following.

The teenagers in our youth group loved him. And he loved the kids. He was affectionately referred to as Papa Steve.

He had the love and admiration of his two sons. The love of his wife.