I love sharing new books with my readers. I normally do this at the end of the month through the 5 Books Leaders Should Read In XXX. That post is still coming. However, I also wanted to recognize the power of audiobooks.
Amazon’s Audible.com (You can get up to 2 free books using my affiliate link) hosts a lot of books. It can be hard to figure out what book to listen to.
Well, I run a lot. During my runs, I listen to podcasts or audiobooks from Audible. Many of these books are leadership focused. My library consists of over 500 audiobooks. I’ve listened to a lot of those.
Today, I want to share with you what I consider to be the top 10 leadership books on Audible. I also hope you’ll pick up one or two of the books to listen to while you’re commuting to the office, out for a run, or lounging around the house. These books will help you become a better leader.
10 Of The Best Leadership Books On Audible
10. Start With Why by Simon Sinek:
Sinek’s book has reshaped the way I view leadership. It’s not about the task at hand or how it gets done. The key to leading others is to help them understand the why behind the work.
Listen to Sinek share his thoughts about the Why and how it can improve your ability to lead.
9. Curveball: How I Discovered True Fulfillment After Chasing Fortune and Fame by Barry Zitto:
When I received this book for review, I wasn’t sure if I would like it. The book was about the career and life of baseball player Barry Zito (I know my friend Brian Dodd would love this book). However, the book was more than baseball.
Zitto shares his struggles. He incorrectly believed fame and success would bring him happiness. It didn’t. He found something else that brought him the contentment he longed for. This book explores this aspect of his life.
8. Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone by Mark Goulston:
As leaders, we have to become better communicators. This requires us getting people to listen to us. This can be a challenge to us if we don’t know how to reach people.
Goulston shares with us the techniques that he learned and how we can apply these to our communication styles.
7. Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success by Rory Vaden:
Vaden explores what it takes to become successful. A lot of it has to do with self-discipline. His book, Take The Stairs, reinforces this idea along with other practical steps we can take to see success.
6. The Positive Dog: A Story About the Power of Positivity by Jon Gordon:
Probably the shortest book on this list, The Positive Dog is a truly powerful book. Gordon helps us to understand the power of positivity and how it can help us in our daily lives and the organizations we lead.
Told through a fable, the story is engaging. The lessons are long-lasting.
5. Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk by Ben Carson:
Dr. Ben Carson tells his life story in Take The Risk. He shares how he grew up with a mother who couldn’t read. This didn’t stop her from raising children who could read… and so much more.
Carson’s story is inspiring. It will help you see yourself and your challenges in new light. More importantly, Carson helps you realize and understand the risks you need to take.
4. Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection by Jia Jiang:
Are you willing to face rejection? As a leader, we need to be willing to stare rejection in the face. Sometimes, we have to punch fear in the face.
Jiang did this. He chronicles his 100 day journey of rejection. Each day, Jiang would do something that would almost ensure failure.
One of the most interesting things about Jiang’s journey is that his assumptions were wrong. People were more willing to accommodate his requests than reject them.
Such a valuable lesson for leaders to take away.
3. Bull’s-Eye: The Power of Focus by Brian Tracy:
Tracy’s teachings are well-known throughout the world. He’s a productivity genius. His book, Bull’s-Eye, continues the trend of impactful wisdom that is easily distilled.
Let Tracy take you on a journey to become more focused.
2. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller:
Miller has been one of my favorite authors to read ever since his book Blue Like Jazz. He flipped my ideas about Christianity on its head.
Miller has come a long way since Blue Like Jazz. He has now entered the business arena and StoryBrand is a book every business leader should read or listen to.
He leads readers/listeners through the process he has proven out time and again on building a successful brand. Listen to him and let him be your business mentor.
1. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by the Arbinger Institute:
Leadership and Self-Deception is the number one book on my list of the best leadership books on Audbile.com. This book has impacted me more than any other on the list.
The story tells the tale of a man facing challenges at home and in the office. Who can’t relate to that? We all face challenges in every arena of our life. Dealing with these challenges effectively requires us to look at the self-deception we keep running from.
BONUS BOOK – Motivational Legends: Training, Development & Character for Personal Success by multiple authors:
This is a fun listen. It takes the lessons from multiple authors including Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Dennis Waitley, and Chris Widener. Listen to these men share their motivating messages in an easy to digest audiobook.
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