You’ve Got It Wrong On Influence

Our good friend John Maxwell has always said that leadership is influence. I firmly believe that.

Leading requires us to have a certain amount of influence on others. Yet we’ve also mistaken what influence truly is.

Influence is often unseen

Image by Marco

What Influence Isn’t

Influence isn’t getting others to do what you want them to do.

Influence isn’t controlling others.

Influence isn’t forcing people to do your will.

Influence isn’t manipulating others.

Influence isn’t showing off.

Influence isn’t a Klout score

Influence isn’t is the number of followers you have.

There are so many things that leadership is but the above isn’t true influence.

What Influence Is

Influence is impacting lives.

Influence is making a difference in the lives of others.

Influence is showing how much you care.

Influence is taking the time to do something nice for another person.