Stop Shoulding… Start Doing

Are you shoulding everywhere?

I far too often find myself shoulding. And I know I shouldn’t should myself.

You shouldn’t should yourself either. Shoulding yourself puts you in a bad spot.

Your shoulding is stopping you from greatness

Photo by Christopher Sardegna

But what is shoulding? Shoulding is the act of saying “I should take care of my estimated taxes” or “I should spend more time with my wife. She really deserves my attention.”

Instead, we let those ideas be shoulds

And our relationships suffer. Our businesses suffer. Our personal health suffers.

Shoulding is a form of procrastination. One you should put to rest.

When you start saying “I should…” stop yourself. You’re about to wreck yourself.

You can change your “I shoulds” to “I wills” or “I ams.” The way we use our phrases impacts the actions we take.

5 Ways To Help Your Team Grow

We know great leaders continue growing even after formal education. They also help their teams to grow.

I’ve shared how to create an environment of growth before. Today, I want to take it a bit deeper and give you 5 more ways to help your team grow.

Image by Paul Bica

Image by Paul Bica

Our main goal, other than leading the organization towards it’s goal, should be to create leaders. Whether it’s to take our place or to come alongside us, we need to be growing new leaders.

The best way to do this is to help people grow. There’s many ways to do this but I want to focus on 5 ways you can help others grow.

1. Grow yourself: Jack Welch once said “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” So what does this mean? This means we need to focus on ourselves and grow. Get to the level where you know more than someone else.

How To Live A More Meaningful Life

At one point or another we all struggle to determine what makes our life meaningful.

Is it a fancy car? The biggest home we can afford? Or the prettiest wife on our arm?

In the end, those things won’t leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. Chasing after these trivial matters will leave you wishing you lived a more meaningful life.

But I know something that will.

The Problem

Most people go through life following the flow. They have no plans or goals. They’re willing to go where life takes them.

They could care less.

And there’s the problem. When people stop caring, they stop living a meaningful life.

I was one of those people for quite some time.

I’d decided I wasn’t going to care about life. I’d take it as it came. There would be no chance for disappointment.

The Difference Between Knowing And Taking Action

Gaining knowledge is so easy. It’s almost crazy.

We’ve got a wealth of books, seminars, and messages giving us the information we need to succeed. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming.

But we’re able to cram our brains with information and become knowledgeable.


Are you ready to swing the hammer? | Image via Creative Commons

That’s all well and good. We’re becoming smarter. We’re becoming experts.

And yet that is not enough.

There’s a difference between knowledge and taking action. They’re worlds apart.

Knowledge is filling your mind with new information.

Reading a new book. Going to the business class. Listening to the latest podcast.

Good, good stuff. But you can’t stop there.

But taking action is where it’s at.

We must begin to APPLY that knowledge. Until you do, you’re just a talking head.